Monday, October 31, 2005

"What the heck is a Doodlebop?"

"The Doodlebops" is currently one of my daughter's favorite TV shows and is one of few that I can actually stand. I think it's because there's something kinda hot about Dee Dee.

The show is basically a modern-day version of the Monkees for the preschool sect. Just like the Monkees, it spends the first part of the show showcasing the off-stage exploits of the cast and wraps up with a musical performance. Nothing very educational about it, but it does focus on being nice, making friends, etc.

Rooney, the blue, guitar-playing Doodle, is a whiner and has entirely too much estrogen in his system. Daddy's got no love for the Roon-ster.

Moe, the orange drummer Doodle, is the prankster. Way more manly than Rooney (which isn't saying a lot). If I had to be a Doodle, I'd be Moe.

Dee Dee, the purple keyboard playing Doodle, is Daddy and KT's favorite. Something very cutesy about her. KT digs her because she's the girl Doodle. Dad digs her for the same reason, although with less pure intentions.

One Saturday, I told the wife that I thought she was probably a hottie underneath the purple make-up and pink air. Even went so far as to look for pictures of her online, sans make-up. Turns out I was right. She is pretty hot.

Bonus: She's legal (early 20's)...which means I can say that she's hot and not come off as some dirty old perv.

Man Truth: Doesn't matter if it's a walk on the beach checking out bikinis or children's programming, we're still looking.

Which is another reason my daughter is going to be raised like a veal.

Happy Halloweenie

A little humor to start off your Halloween day. Not saying, by any stretch, that I agree with all of these:

Top 10 reasons why Halloween is better than sex:

10. You're guaranteed to get a little something in the sack.

9. The uglier you are, the easier it is to get some.

8. It doesn't matter if the kids hear you moaning and groaning.

7. Less guilt the morning after.

6. It doesn't matter if they fantasize you're somebody else, because you are.

5. Forty years from now, you'll still enjoy candy.

4. If you don't get what you want, you can always go next door.

3. If you get tired, you can wait 10 minutes and go again.

2. You don't have to compliment the person who gives you some.

1. You can do the whole neighborhood!

According to the news reports this morning, Atlanta will experience the worst commute of the year this evening. Great. In Atlanta, a light traffic day (especially to the northern 'burbs) is abysmal at best. I'm supposed to pick up "Dee Dee Doodlebop" (KT's Halloween alter ego) rom the sitter by 5:00 this afternoon. Guess I should leave the office by 2:30 this afternoon.

Too busy to do much web surfing this morning but the story of the day seems to be Uncle George's newest nomination to the Supreme Court. Three things I've noticed which leads me, in my completely novice opinion, to believe that this was a good choice:

1. Sam Alito has a fantastic resume;

2. There's no evidence (yet) of love letters written by Alito to Dubya over the past two decades;

3 The moonbats on the left are peeing all over themselves because of this. Anything that pisses off Ted Kennedy has GOT to be a good thing.

Regarding item number 2, I'm sure Miers is a wonderful person and brilliant lawyer. She seems to have proven the former by graciously asking for the withdrawl last week. Unfortunately, though, her nomination was the straw that broke the camel's back with me and caused me to question my love for GWB.

This morning's nomination of a well-qualified, conservative judge, which doesn't just smack of cronyism, has restored a little faith.

As my dad used to tell me, "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at your actions..."

Glad to see GW made better choices this morning.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Ways I Know I'm Getting Old # 1,037

Never mind the fact that I'm getting crotchety, finding gray hairs and am overly worried about my lawn. This morning's realization that daylight savings time has lost it's magic was distressing.

Back in the day, I was always excited about D.S.T. as it meant that I could sleep for an extra hour after a hard night of partying. Having a 2 year old has changed that.

Last night, my partying consisted of staying up extra late (12:30) watching a movie and polishing off a whopping 3 beers. This morning, my sleeping-in lasted until 6:30, at which time, I forced myself to get out of bed. So sad.

Since we're on the subject of movies and beer:

"Rogue Mocha Stout" was outstanding...if you like your beer really stout.

"The Longest Yard" was a pretty decent movie. I hate to admit that I get a kick out of Adam Sandler, but I do.

"Crash" sucked and I was left trying to figure out what the point was. Everybody is racist and xenophobic regardless of your race, religion or nationality? Bad people are capable of good things and good people are capable of bad things? If anyone has any insight into why this was one of the "outstanding movies of the past year", can you fill me in? I want my two hours back.

I'm outta here.

By the way. Go Tony!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Madonna's Young'uns

Before anyone starts in on how my comments about Madonna's children run counter to everything else I said about the lack of influence a parent has on their children, let me say, for the record:

It was a joke.

Or was it? Do you think her kids even have a peer group?

Aw, man. I am so DOOMED.

Interesting read I came across this morning:

My takeaways from the article:

1. Madonna's kids may have hit the financial jackpot by virtue of their birth but that's about all they've got going for them. Domineering mother, milquetoast father. Fast forward 20 years...her daughter will be a porn star and her son, if he's lucky, will end up with a severe chemical dependency.

2. Looking back, prom's were over-the-top when I was in high school 15 years ago. Fifteen years from now, when my kid is prom age, there's a distinct possibility that she may be locked in the closet.

3. God bless the Duggar family. I think they're out of their tree, but I do respect the fact that they've been able to pull it off.

4. SF Gate columnist Mark Mortford is a friggin' idiot.

5. Although I may argue with the percentages a bit, I DO believe that the minimalists have a point. Genetics and peers have a far greater influence over who your child is going to be than you might hope. Case in point: my parent's three offspring.

For my entire life, my father has had a job which demanded a termendous number of hours. Accordingly, my sisters and I spent way more time during childhood and adolescence with my mother. Whose personality traits are way more dominant in the kids?


My sister and I were just discussing this the other night, as a matter of fact. We have a very good balance of intellect and common sense. We have a very strong work ethic. We tend to be very contemplative when making decisions. We are also very stubborn, persistent and will argue to the death whenever we feel that we are right (which, 99% of the time, we are).

I, by virtue of the having the Y chromosome, hit the jackpot twice. I've got all of his mannerisms too. I think that is a good thing because I think my Dad is a great man. But my wife and mother may disagree. Whenever the family gets together, I see the two of them whispering and shaking their heads. A lot.

That's fine. They can shake their heads all they want. They married us. They made their own bed.

This is why I say I am doomed. All signs are indicating that my kid is going to be just like me. Which, I'm sure, makes my mother giddy.

Childhood peer groups are just as influential. Some of my closest friends from my childhood are some of my closest friends today and, although we may have come from very different circumstances and have very different lives, our values are our common bond. It was the case back then and still is today.

This was a major reason for us joining the church recently. We wanted to make sure that our children are raised in the church because we both realized that the church was such an essential component to our development. It was also one of the driving forces in where we chose to live. We agreed that we would rather our kids be the poorest kids in a good neighborhood than the richest ones in a not-so-good neighborhood.

(If anyone wants to give me any grief about my socioeconomic views, spare me. There are good poor people and bad rich people but a sterotype is born for a reason.)

So to recap:

1. Madonna's kids are doomed;

2. My daughter isn't going to a prom;

3. People who have 16 kids are nuts, but you've gotta love them for their bravery;

4. San Francisco is the home of one of the dumbest columnists ever;

5. Nothing my wife and I say or do is going to have as much of an influence on our kids than our genes and their friends;

6. We are doomed.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Chances of winning the lottery are 1:50,000,000...

..but this seems to have better odds:

Being that the wife and I have recently repented of our backsliding, heathen ways and joined a church, I'll let you know how this works out.

I DID get a raise a few weeks ago but, as it turns out, my company has been underpaying me all along...

My first attempt to post a picture...

The aforementioned brood.

It's 5:00 Somewhere...

The work day is complete and it's time to play with my new toy. Think I'll pop open a "col-bur" and answer a few of the questions which you may have:

"What's with the title?"

In order to capture the true essence of me and my happy little brood, I thought I'd come up with a title which captured things distinctly Southern and distinctly Texan. My other choice was "Collard Greens and Calf Fries", but, as far as calf fries are concerned, I'd never put one of the nasty things in my mouth. For those non-Texans out there (or otherwise un-indoctrinated), a calf fry is a deep fried cow testicle.

I'm also thoroughly convinced that if you are male and eat calf fries, you're gay (discuss amongst yourselves...).

Besides, boiled peanuts and Shiner Bock complement each other very well. If you've not yet tried this combination, I highly recommend it.

"What possessed you to start a blog?"

I've thought about doing it since I saw my 12 year-old niece playing around with hers. Figured that since she's the little hipster, I could start my own and be hip too.

Fast forward 3 months later, Big Bad Dad (still blog-less) is given the address to his friend Clay's new blog. I decided then and there to start my own.

So...I was possessed to start my own blog in an effort to be hip.

"What is the purpose of your blog?"

As stated above, it is a complete act of self-indulgence. It is a place for me to write down all of my witty and insightful thoughts and, if someone takes something away from one of my posts that makes them happier or smarter, all the better.

"Are you really so arrogant as to think anyone cares what you have to say?"


That's enough questions for the moment. I'm off to go and learn me some blog skills.

The Yin and Yang of Today

Good and bad things that happened today:

Good: I stayed home with my daughter today;
Bad: I stayed home with her because she was sick.

Good: I have a job that allows me to work from home if I need to;
Bad: I had to work today.

Good: Listening to KT sing "La-La-La-La...Elmo's World!";
Bad: Having to watch Elmo twice in one day.

Good: I've now entered the blogosphere;
Bad: I've got to learn to use this stupid thing.

Good: I'm done with my second post to "Boiled Peanuts and Shiner Bock";
Bad: I have to go back to work.

Much love.

First post

This one is going to stink...