Thursday, June 05, 2008

Heretical Conservatism: Fruitcakes Need Love Too...

- Promotion of heterosexual marriage, and disapproval of sexual immorality

Again, as I’ve previously referenced, I’m one of those who would prefer that marriage be the union between a man and a woman but, at the same time, have no opposition to allowing same-sex couples to be joined in some sort of civil union. If two guys want to spend the rest of their lives together, so be it. Why should I care?

I should care, say the conservatives, because it is another step towards the destruction of the American family and the bastardization of marriage.

Is it?

I’d say that Americans have already bastardized the institution of marriage by allowing 24 hour, drive-through wedding chapels. If a particular institution has a 50% failure rate, is it REALLY all that sacred? Is it truly the foundation upon which society is built??

There are plenty of reasons the American family is taking a beating…divorce, unwanted children, absentee parents, negligent parents…the list goes on. What ISN’T destroying the American family is a family in which two loving, devoted, involved and committed parents happen to share the same genitalia (in more ways than one…(ba-DUM-DUM!)).

It’s infinitely possible that one of my children may have a friend or acquaintance who comes from a two mommy or two daddy household. As a parent, it will be incumbent on me to stifle the gag reflex and have a sit-down with my kid to answer any questions he/she may have (or, perhaps, for them to answer any questions I have).

Frankly, I’d MUCH rather my child have a well-behaved, well-adjusted friend who has two daddies than a pain-in-the-ass, destined-for-prison friend with a white-trash mommy and daddy who somehow managed to stick it out.

Let's be honest, though. Conservatives aren't out to promote heterosexual marriage. They're completely intolerant of homosexual relationships. In fact, James Dobson, and many assholes like him, have argued that tolerance of same-sex unions would lead to an increase in same-sex couples.

Good. I hope so.

There is not a true heterosexual in the world who would suddenly decide to be gay when the state says that it’s OK. It would, however, allow gays who have spent their lives lying, either blatantly or by omission, to be free to live their lives the way they see fit.

I used to think, much like Dobson, that homosexuality was a choice. Then I got to know some gay people.

Not a choice. Certainly not a conscious one.

Look at how many gay people have tried to lead a hetero lifestyle. They wanted to fit into a social norm and, in so doing, left a wake of broken hearts and damaged families behind them when they realized they couldn’t continue living a way that is counterintuitive to them. Look at Jim McGreevey, the governor who came out of the closet and has lost the kingdom. His wife is pissed, his kids are now in a broken home and he was run out of office. Worked out well for him.

And for God’s sake, won’t anyone think about Lou Diamond Phillips. He got dumped by his wife for Melissa Ethridge and his career went to crap.

Again, I go back to my kids. My dream is that they lead traditional heterosexual lives, get married, have kids, keep the circle of life going and live happily ever after. IF, however, they come to the realization that they aren’t wired that way, the LAST thing I would want for them to face is the idiotic rantings of the James Dobson’s of the world.

Besides, there’s a fringe benefit to tolerance. Fewer things irritate me more than flamboyant gays who wear their sexuality on their sleeve. They’re annoying. If their lifestyle is no longer looked down on, maybe they’ll lose interest and start acting like ordinary, multi-faceted people who have more to offer than “I’m here, I’m queer, get used to it.”

As far as sexual immorality, sexual immorality is ultimately defined as something that you find ookie. What you find ookie may be pretty outstanding to me. To paraphrase Dennis Miller, “Nothing in the world interests me as much as my orgasm. Nothing in the world interests me less than yours.” (My wife excluded, of course)

Whose sexual morality should we follow? How about the Hasidim who don’t allow a man and woman to so much as touch each other for 12 out of every 28 days because she’s unclean? Certain Evangelicals who never stray from missionary? No thank you.

Government has no place in the bedroom and what two (or more) consenting adults opt to do in the privacy of their own home, as long as it doesn’t result in physical or psychological harm, should be fair game. What people do behind closed doors is not something that Conservatives should lose sleep over.

But they do.

And if they can’t find anything legitimate, they make stuff up. It was fundamentalist Christians who found the dick on the Little Mermaid box, discovered that, if you play a Britney Spears song backward, it says “Sleep with me, I’m not too young.” and started a campaign against Teletubbies because it “promotes a homosexual agenda” to 2 year-olds.

Personally, I think if you’re searching for perversion where none exists, it’s more a reflection of your own depravity than anyone else’s. I’m just sayin’

Conservatism is supposed to be all about freedom and liberty. The fundamentalist, mainstream conservative view of homosexuality, then, is ANTI-conservative by definition.


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