Thursday, October 27, 2005

It's 5:00 Somewhere...

The work day is complete and it's time to play with my new toy. Think I'll pop open a "col-bur" and answer a few of the questions which you may have:

"What's with the title?"

In order to capture the true essence of me and my happy little brood, I thought I'd come up with a title which captured things distinctly Southern and distinctly Texan. My other choice was "Collard Greens and Calf Fries", but, as far as calf fries are concerned, I'd never put one of the nasty things in my mouth. For those non-Texans out there (or otherwise un-indoctrinated), a calf fry is a deep fried cow testicle.

I'm also thoroughly convinced that if you are male and eat calf fries, you're gay (discuss amongst yourselves...).

Besides, boiled peanuts and Shiner Bock complement each other very well. If you've not yet tried this combination, I highly recommend it.

"What possessed you to start a blog?"

I've thought about doing it since I saw my 12 year-old niece playing around with hers. Figured that since she's the little hipster, I could start my own and be hip too.

Fast forward 3 months later, Big Bad Dad (still blog-less) is given the address to his friend Clay's new blog. I decided then and there to start my own.

So...I was possessed to start my own blog in an effort to be hip.

"What is the purpose of your blog?"

As stated above, it is a complete act of self-indulgence. It is a place for me to write down all of my witty and insightful thoughts and, if someone takes something away from one of my posts that makes them happier or smarter, all the better.

"Are you really so arrogant as to think anyone cares what you have to say?"


That's enough questions for the moment. I'm off to go and learn me some blog skills.


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