Thursday, October 27, 2005

Chances of winning the lottery are 1:50,000,000...

..but this seems to have better odds:

Being that the wife and I have recently repented of our backsliding, heathen ways and joined a church, I'll let you know how this works out.

I DID get a raise a few weeks ago but, as it turns out, my company has been underpaying me all along...


Blogger ClayGunter said...

OK 1st - Well done.

2nd - I wonder who the first person was to think hmmm a testicle now that's eating.

3rd - Self Indulgence is the birthright of us all. Thanks to that Adam and Eve thing. That and pain in childbirth which has never bothered me much.

Thursday, October 27, 2005 11:04:00 PM  

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