Sunday, October 30, 2005

Ways I Know I'm Getting Old # 1,037

Never mind the fact that I'm getting crotchety, finding gray hairs and am overly worried about my lawn. This morning's realization that daylight savings time has lost it's magic was distressing.

Back in the day, I was always excited about D.S.T. as it meant that I could sleep for an extra hour after a hard night of partying. Having a 2 year old has changed that.

Last night, my partying consisted of staying up extra late (12:30) watching a movie and polishing off a whopping 3 beers. This morning, my sleeping-in lasted until 6:30, at which time, I forced myself to get out of bed. So sad.

Since we're on the subject of movies and beer:

"Rogue Mocha Stout" was outstanding...if you like your beer really stout.

"The Longest Yard" was a pretty decent movie. I hate to admit that I get a kick out of Adam Sandler, but I do.

"Crash" sucked and I was left trying to figure out what the point was. Everybody is racist and xenophobic regardless of your race, religion or nationality? Bad people are capable of good things and good people are capable of bad things? If anyone has any insight into why this was one of the "outstanding movies of the past year", can you fill me in? I want my two hours back.

I'm outta here.

By the way. Go Tony!


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