Thursday, June 05, 2008

Heretical Conservatism: Pro-Life is a Loser...

- Pro-Life views on abortion...

Many people define themselves as conservative or liberal based solely on whether they are pro-life or pro-choice. This is the first place in which I break with “mainstream conservatism.”

Personally, I believe (and have stated such elsewhere in this little corner) that Roe v. Wade should be overturned and the states allowed to make laws regarding the regulation of abortion.

Were this to happen, the states could make laws, consistent with its standards and values to regulate the procedure. Although some states may have more onerous regulations than others, there’s likely not a state out there that would pass a law that completely wipes out the procedure.

Of course, I may be putting a little too much faith into the states. I live in a state whose boneheaded Governor, despite overwhelming public support and passage by the Senate, vetoed a bill which would allow Sunday beer sales. However, that’s not the point.

I am pro-life but only to a certain point. As a husband and father, my position is influenced by what choices I hope my wife or daughter would make. In case of rape or threat to the mother’s life, I am pro-abortion. If my daughter were to make a dumb teenage mistake or my wife’s birth control were to fail, my position is pretty staunchly pro-life.

Granted, I’d probably cry a lot and drink a lot more, but I would not want to see one of the women I love make any other choice.

I’m fully aware of the fact that a lot of women don’t have husbands or fathers who would be nearly as supportive and, in my opinion, the only thing worse than a dead baby is an unwanted, neglected and unloved child. This makes me pretty squishy on the issue overall.

What I’m embarrassed by is not the pro-life position but the fact that so many "conservatives" allow this single issue to dictate how they will vote. Many conservative would vote against their best interests on every other matter if the candidate is pro-life enough. I dare say that if Obama were to come out as pro-life and McCain were to suddenly get all squishy on the issue, much of the Republican base would cast their vote for a Democrat.

“It doesn’t really matter what Obama thinks about everything else…he’s one of us!” they would exclaim.

What the “lifers” seem to be hanging their hats on is that a pro-life president would be the beginning of the end of legal abortion but nothing could be further from the truth. Hell, W is about as pro-life as they come AND he appointed two “conservative” Supremes two years ago. So far, nothing which threatens Roe is even on the horizon.

Even IF Roe got overturned tomorrow, the legality of abortion would not suddenly disappear, it could simply be called into question at the state level and the state would then have the option of passing a law barring the practice. EVEN if some sort of law were passed, it would likely be challenged and, the law could not be enforced until the challenge was heard.

Some states even have “trigger laws” in place that, in the event Roe v. Wade is overturned, state law would keep abortion legal.

I understand that many people feel very passionate on this subject but it’s a loser and shouldn’t be used as a litmus test by conservatives OR liberals.


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