Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Can You Smell The Desperation In the Air?

Over the past several months, the few blog updates I’ve written have been almost exclusively dedicated to bagging on “conservatives” or fundies. Despite my belief that there should be no such thing as a “Fairness Doctrine”, I’d like to turn my attention to liberals for a moment because, to quote South Park’s Matt Stone:

“I hate conservatives but I REALLY [expletive] hate liberals.”

In a previous blog post, I acknowledged that, when I stopped listening to the “conservative” talking points, I discovered that McCain was a guy I could get behind. In other posts, I expressed my concern over who his running mate might be but acknowledged that , no matter who he picked (even if it was that moron Huckabee), I’d hold my nose and pull the lever.

Fortunately, I don’t have to hold my nose. I am absolutely STOKED that he picked Sarah Palin as his running mate.

From a policy standpoint, she’s not perfect but there’s a lot about her to like.

-She’s an evangelical but I’m not going to hold that against her.

-She supports the idea that creationism can be debated in a school setting but does NOT believe that creationism should be added into science curriculum. Overall, she scores high marks in education.

-She doesn’t get such high marks in sex-ed, though. She supports abstinence-only…which I find ridiculous. But it is what it is.

-Her energy policy is sound; “Develop new alternative energy solutions but, in the meantime, drill here, drill now”.

-Lifetime member of the NRA.

-She’s a reformer. She went into the old guard in Alaska and kicked their asses.

-She’s pro-life…not just in word but in deed. She also realizes that it’s a loser argument and, when she running for Governor, she stated that she would not attempt to govern the procedure or propose any anti-abortion laws.

-She appears to be very fiscally conservative.

-As a man (and this is TOTALLY irrelevant), it is incumbent on me to point out that she’s something of a hottie.

The reason I’m STOKED, however, is because I firmly believe that she may be the catalyst to an Obama defeat.

I don’t necessarily believe that she’s going to successfully woo over the disgruntled Hillary supporters (even though I know one and am pretty sure there will be many others). It’s obvious, however, that she’s fired up the Republicans who had fallen into such malaise over McCain that they were planning on sitting this one out.

And the liberals are scared shitless.

So, let’s delve into why I [expletive] hate liberals.

“Pro-choicers” claim that they are all about the right to CHOOSE. Sarah Palin is so pro-life that, despite knowing that she was carrying a child with Downs Syndrome, she CHOSE to have the baby. Liberals have harped on the fact that this is proof that she’s irresponsible for CHOOSING to get pregnant at 42 (if that was a conscious choice or not, I don’t know) and CHOOSING to bring a handicapped child into the world.

She exercises her right to choose and she gets flak for it from those who think it’s more humane to kill the kid than to allow it to live.

Ms. Palin has a 17 year-old daughter who has found herself in one of those “there but for the grace of God go I” positions and got pregnant. The daughter has chosen to have the kid and marry the father. This, again, is proof-positive to liberals that she’s an irresponsible mother.

There are rumblings that young Bristol must have been forced into making this choice by her irresponsible mother. After all, why dramatically change your young life when you can just abort the baby and move forward? Here’s another case where the woman (the daughter) made a CHOICE but not the one prescribed by liberals…therefore, she gets trashed for it.

Lest this seem like an all-abortion-all-the-time post, let’s move on to other issues in which liberals are showing their asses.

“Feminists” have spent years fighting for equal rights for women yet it is this same group who is castigating Ms. Palin (up for a job as one of the most powerful woman in the world) for being an irresponsible mother to her Downs baby and knocked-up daughter when they need her the most by jumping on the campaign trail for a 24/7 job..

The feminists and the bleeding hearts have also decided that a 17 year-old girl is fair game when her mother is a Conservative. Let’s take a look at a couple comments pulled from Daily Kos and Democratic Underground:

“I have two daughters that will be teenagers at different points over the next 8 years. This woman is a direct threat to them.I don't feel sorry for Sarah, or Bristol. Or the drunken Confederate pops. Or their other kids. I don't think its off limits to criticize all of them. I don't think its off limits to take personal shots at them.”

Listen, asshole, if you’re any kind of a father, there’s no way that your daughters are threatened by a pro-life vice-president. Man up, fucker. Be a dad. Teach your daughter’s not to get knocked-up. AND IF THEY DO, be supportive of them.

“I am prepared to do whatever is necessary to destroy the Republican Party as it exists today as well as everything it stands for.

If health insurance for all, an end to the Iraq War, an end to torture and illegal wiretapping, and a sane energy policy can be obtained at the price of destroying one teenage girl, her family, and the surrendering our self-respect I see that as a cheap trade.”

What the comment above ACTUALLY says is:

“On their merits, the Republican Party’s ideas are more accepted by the mainstream than ours. But we don’t care what those rubes want. WE KNOW BETTER THAN THEM. We’re liberals, therefore, we’re smarter.

If our policies won’t be accepted on their own, our only chance at success is to do everything in our power to destroy a teenage girl who has NEVER been in the national spotlight until 5 days ago.”

This is the single biggest problems with liberals. Many liberals I’ve known and have argued with make it a point to give you their resume right off the bat..

“Well, you know, I have a Masters in Anthropology from [insert college here] and I believe…”

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: All your degree proves to me is that you somehow managed to complete some coursework while you were off partying on Mom and Dad’s dime for 5 or 10 years. Good for you.

One’s education ISN’T necessarily proportionate to one’s intelligence. I’ve know some exceptionally intelligent people with GEDs. I’ve known a LOT of monumentally stupid people with a Masters.

Hell, George W. Bush has a Bachelors from Yale and liberals tend to compare him to a retarded chimp..

Alas, I digress.

Liberals believe they know what is best for you and have no problem dragging you kicking and screaming to their point of view. If you disagree with a liberal, you’re a moron. If you’re from the South and you disagree with them, you’re an inbred moron.

Liberals believe that Karl Marx was onto something when he said “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

Liberals believe that if someone is successful, it is at the expense of someone who is unsuccessful.

Liberals believe that the world must be fair to all.

Liberals are fucking idiots.

They have to be. How else do you explain the fact that they’re tripping over themselves to decry Palin’s lack of experience while brushing off the fact that she has infinitely more executive experience than Obama?

How else do you explain their belief that this middle-class woman is more out of touch with mainstream America than their VP nominee who has spent 36 years as a US Senator?

How else do you explain their attempts to link Palin to an Alaskan secession group and an anti-Semitic revival preacher while discounting the fact that their nominee has established ties to a domestic terrorist and considered a blatant racist as his spiritual leader for 20 years?

Fortunately, the liberals (and Democrats) have the media to do their bidding for them.

The New York Times had three front-page stories about Bristol Palin only a month after they REFUSED to acknowledge reports that John Edwards cheated on his dying wife and possibly fathered another child.

An editorial in a Philadelphia newspaper promises both race AND class warfare if Obama loses (talk about the politics of fear).

The New York Times rested it’s case that Palin wasn’t properly vetted on quotes from her political enemies.

And in an a case of blatant rumor-mongering with no factual basis, several news outlets are reporting that they heard from someone’s sister’s-boyfriend’s-cousin’s-uncle-twice-removed that some Republican operative whose name escapes them thinks McCain might drop Palin before the election.

It’s all bullshit. After falling over themselves to worship at the alter of Obama (P.B.U.H.) for the past year, the media now sees that their boy is in trouble and will lie, cheat and steal to turn the tide back towards him.

There’s a lot that can happen in the next couple months and I am, by no means, predicting a landslide victory for McCain in November. In a best case scenario, it’ll probably be a squeaker but the liberals are scared to death.

And this makes me very happy.

Can't wait for her convention speech tonight!


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