Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yet Another Reason Why I Hate Evangelicals...

A few weeks ago, I wrote a small series of rants attacking the state of conservatism today. Many of the issues I railed against I attributed to the infiltration of Fundamentalists into the Republican Party. As it relates to abortion, I said:

"What I’m embarrassed by is not the pro-life position but the fact that so many "conservatives" allow this single issue to dictate how they will vote. Many conservative would vote against their best interests on every other matter if the candidate is pro-life enough. I dare say that if Obama were to come out as pro-life and McCain were to suddenly get all squishy on the issue, much of the Republican base would cast their vote for a Democrat.”

A few short weeks later, the Washington Times publishes the following article. As usual, my comments are in bold:

"Prominent evangelical leaders are warning Sen. John McCain against picking former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as his running mate, saying their troops will abandon the Republican ticket on Election Day if that happens.

They say Mr. Romney lacks trust on issues such as outlawing abortion and opposing same-sex marriage and because he is a Mormon. Opposition is particularly powerful among those who supported former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee in the Republican presidential primaries earlier this year."

I would say something about how prophetic I was in that original post, but the Fundies might get sand in their vaginas and accuse me of being Mormon because I’m describing myself as a Prophet.

You know what? SCREW THE FUNDIES. It was, indeed, a prophetic post.

"McCain and Romney would be like oil and water," said evangelical novelist Tim LaHaye, who supported Mr. Huckabee. "We aren't against Mormonism, but Romney is not a thoroughgoing evangelical and his flip-flopping on issues is understandable in a liberal state like Massachusetts, but our people won't understand that."

This statement contains a pretty blatant lie in that Evangelicals ARE against Mormonism. It also contains a pretty eye-opening allusion to a belief I’ve mentioned in this blog on multiple occasions: Evangelicals are idiots and incapable of understanding that a person’s ideals may change if they discover “truths” which are in conflict with their previous notions.

Generally speaking, Evangelicals begin their indoctrination at birth and, amongst the beliefs instilled is an unwavering belief that anything which challenges their beliefs is the work of Satan and must be ignored….if not railed against Because they are so adverse to taking an inventory of their own beliefs, they find it impossible to comprehend how someone can change their mind on a subject.

"The Rev. Rob McCoy, pastor of Calvary Chapel in Thousand Oaks, Calif., who speaks at evangelical events across the country, told The Washington Times, "I will vote for McCain unless he does one thing. You know what that is? If he puts Romney on the ticket as veep.

"It will alienate the entire evangelical community - 62 million self-professing evangelicals in this country, half of them registered to vote, are going to be deeply saddened," Mr. McCoy added."

Principles can be a dangerous thing but this moron has no problem acting on his. Unfortunately, he carries a lot of sway over his congregation and, by making this statement, will likely influence those who follow him to do the same thing.

This is where I’m dumbfounded. Given a choice between voting for a ticket that is one half Mormon or sitting it out, he’ll sit it out, thus ensuring a pro-abortion, pro-gay rights president.

"Mr. Huckabee, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, was the favorite of evangelical voters in the Republican presidential nomination contest earlier this year and won more delegates per dollar spent than any other candidate in either party.

Other well-placed Christian conservatives say that although many evangelical leaders could accept and work for a McCain-Romney ticket, Mr. Huckabee's supporters tend to be "rabid" in their views against Mr. Romney because of his faith: They do not regard Mormonism as a Christian denomination. "

Rabies symptoms include cerebral dysfunction, confusion, abnormal behavior and delirium…so I’d say that “rabid” is an appropriate description of Huckabee supporters and their views against Romney.

The rest of the article goes on in, largely, the same vein with no real conclusion. I think, however, that the conclusion is pretty clear. If McCain picks Romney as his running mate, there will be enough idiot fundamentalists who sit out the election and guarantee an Obama victory.

I understand the temptation. There was a point where I thought “If McCain picks Huckabee as his running mate, I’ll sit it out.” But about 6 seconds later, I realized the inanity of that idea and decided I’ll still pull the McCain lever no matter how much I despise his running mate. The thought of a President Barack Obama makes a certain orifice of mine pucker up every time. So does a Vice President Huckabee, for that matter, but a VP can do much less damage than a President…especially if the Democrats keep a majority in the House and Senate.

I sincerely hope, though, that McCain picks someone OTHER than Romney or the chucklehead.


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