Monday, October 31, 2005

"What the heck is a Doodlebop?"

"The Doodlebops" is currently one of my daughter's favorite TV shows and is one of few that I can actually stand. I think it's because there's something kinda hot about Dee Dee.

The show is basically a modern-day version of the Monkees for the preschool sect. Just like the Monkees, it spends the first part of the show showcasing the off-stage exploits of the cast and wraps up with a musical performance. Nothing very educational about it, but it does focus on being nice, making friends, etc.

Rooney, the blue, guitar-playing Doodle, is a whiner and has entirely too much estrogen in his system. Daddy's got no love for the Roon-ster.

Moe, the orange drummer Doodle, is the prankster. Way more manly than Rooney (which isn't saying a lot). If I had to be a Doodle, I'd be Moe.

Dee Dee, the purple keyboard playing Doodle, is Daddy and KT's favorite. Something very cutesy about her. KT digs her because she's the girl Doodle. Dad digs her for the same reason, although with less pure intentions.

One Saturday, I told the wife that I thought she was probably a hottie underneath the purple make-up and pink air. Even went so far as to look for pictures of her online, sans make-up. Turns out I was right. She is pretty hot.

Bonus: She's legal (early 20's)...which means I can say that she's hot and not come off as some dirty old perv.

Man Truth: Doesn't matter if it's a walk on the beach checking out bikinis or children's programming, we're still looking.

Which is another reason my daughter is going to be raised like a veal.


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