Friday, March 31, 2006


-Cynthia McKinney (Love to Chris Rock)

So, Jemima...I mean...The Honorable Ms. McKinney... takes a swipe at a Capital Hill Police Officer (who just so happens to be white) because he had the audacity to stop her after she bypassed the metal detectors (as is her right as a Congresswoman to do) and refused to stop the three times he asked her to stop (as is NOT her right) because he didn't recognize her (what with losing the braids and refusing to wear her member pin, and all).

Rather than stop to address him like a human-being and say "Sir, I appreciate your dilligence, but I'm a Member of's my ID", she sucker-punches him.

According to her attorney, "Ms. McKinney is just a victim of being in Congress while black." OBVIOUSLY, it's a race thing.

I beg to differ. Ms. McKinney is in Congress while an ASSHOLE. "Black" doesn't enter into the equation. Throw the book at the bitch, I say.

And, lest I be deemed a racist, please note that I NEVER use the notorious "N-word" in criticizing a person based on their skin color. It's purely based on an attitude. Not only does Ms. McKinney resemble this type, I believe she actually defines it.

In the movie "Reservoir Dogs", Mr. Blonde says to Nice Guy Eddie, "If you're going to act like a bitch, I'm gonna slap you like a bitch"(or something to that effect). Well...

As of this very moment, there are two things that I hate about living in Georgia: the pine pollen is sucking and I live three counties over from a group of idiots who put this horrible woman in Congress.

That is all.


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