Thursday, February 23, 2006

One breath makes it a murder

Looks like the Supremes are gonna be taking up the case which overturned the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003.


This is one of those cases in which I think the Feds SHOULD intervene, being that SCOTUS previously killed the states’ ability to regulate this type of procedure. To be clear on the type of procedure in question:

A mother is induced to labor and the child is delivered feet first until only the head and neck remain inside the mother. The mostly delivered child is then stabbed in the back of the neck and the (functioning) brain is removed, thus ending the potential viability of said “fetus”.

It’s referred to as Partial-birth abortion or, to those who want to avoid any stigma in their terminology, “late-term abortion”.

Bullshit. It’s infanticide. Pure and simple.

In criminal cases in which teen-aged girls have been tried and convicted, the only difference between stillbirth and murder is one breath of air…and prosecutors will go to the ends of the earth to prove that the child got one breath in before it’s death.

In a partial birth abortion, you are restricting the ability of the child to get that breath in by leaving it’s head still in the mother. If you deliver the child head first, which would certainly make it a lot easier to suck out the kid’s brain, you run the risk of that child suddenly becoming viable by taking a breath. Can’t have that, can we? That’s what would make your “procedure” a “murder”.

Enough on that subject. Arguments and a decision are months away. Here’s hoping that the court does the right thing.


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