Friday, March 03, 2006

Preface to "Crunchy Is How You Feel the Morning After a Bender, NOT a Political Philosophy"

- I may have to go out and score a book deal.

About three days ago, I started a post regarding some ideas I’ve read regarding this new “Crunchy Conservatism”. Specifically, I planned to address some ideas advanced by one particularly obnoxious lad

Three days and seven pages later, I’m done. What can I say? It’s been a busy week, but I had a lot to say.

As referenced in previous posts, there’s a new book out about “Crunchy” Conservatism in which a new movement is afoot to encourage “mainstream” conservatives to disavow their evil materialistic ways, buy organic, homeschool their children and adopt a new communal lifestyle. Surely, this is the only way to ensure the stability of the family and the continued existence of the “Permanent Things”. I’ve yet to pick up the book, but it is becoming increasingly obvious to me that I need to. National Review is hosting a blog on this book and has allowed a group of “counter-culture conservatives” to bloviate ad nauseum about the virtues of their new movement…and some of these folks are obnoxiously offensive.

Case in Point: Caleb Stegall.

Rod Dreher has (much to his delight, I’m sure) fallen from the top of my list of “Obnoxious Coverservatives I’d Not Like To Be Associated With”. In fact, I feel a little sympathy for the guy. It’s actually been insinuated by Mr. Stegall that Mr. Dreher’s book doesn’t go far enough.

I’m sure that had Stegall been around in 30 AD, he’d have probably told Jesus that the Sermon on the Mount didn’t quite go far enough to promote the cause.

The length of these posts will be long for two reasons: First, I’m sure I’ll have a lot to say. Second, I’m actually posting some of Mr. Stegall’s points rather than linking them just in case he wakes up from a week-long drunk, reads what he wrote when he was impaired and decides to delete everything.

I doubt that will be the case, but why take a chance?

Grab a beer and make yourself comfortable. You may be here for a while.


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