Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A quick compare-and-contrast

Sam Alito - Counsel to Reagan White House, Justice Department Attorney and Deputy Attorney General throughout the late 1980s. Federal Judge for 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals from 1990 to 2005.

Harriet Miers - Lawyer since 1972. Dallas City Counselperson for two years, Chair of Texas Lottery Commission for 5 years. Held various positions in the Bush White House from the beginning.

Harry Reid this morning:

"Even before he was a judge, Alito made a name for himself arguing for expansive executive power. As a Justice Department attorney, he wrote that the Attorney General should have absolute immunity from lawsuits arising from illegal wiretaps."

"Once again, the roots of Judge Alito’s ideology can be found in his work during the Reagan Administration. As Deputy Attorney General in 1986, Judge Alito recommended that President Reagan veto the Truth in Mileage Act, a law designed to prevent odometer tampering, because “it violates the principles of federalism.”"


"First, I am disturbed by Judge Alito’s overall deference to executive power. At a time when President Bush has asserted unprecedented authority over the lives of American citizens and the Republican-controlled Congress seems too willing to cede those powers to him, I cannot support the confirmation of a judge predisposed to give the President the benefit of every

In matters ranging from domestic spying to the use of torture, the current President has effectively declared himself above the law. Meanwhile, a Congress controlled by the President’s party has stripped the courts of jurisdiction to hear habeas corpus cases brought by Guantanamo detainees, some of whom have absolutely nothing to do with terrorism. "


"I continue to believe that Harriet Miers received a raw deal. She is an accomplished lawyer, a trailblazer for women and a strong advocate of legal services for the poor. Not only was she denied the up-down vote that my Republican colleagues say every nominee deserves, but she was never even afforded the chance to make her case to the Judiciary Committee. "

Let me see if I have this straight:

Sam Alito, 20 years ago, advocated the Unitary Executive Theory on behalf of his employer, President Ronald Reagan. This is proof positive that he wants to give George W. Bush free reign to rape, rob and pillage this country, piss all over democracy and destroy our republic as we know it.

Over the past five years, Harriet Miers has worked in a legal capacity for the CURRENT president who has claimed unprecedented authority and committed some of the most egregious offenses to this country in recent memory (Democrat's beliefs, not mine). Because of her various positions, her fingerprints are likely all over NSA, Guantanamo and, possibly Abu Ghraib.

In fact, every "offense" Bush has committed since 2001 can likely tie back to her in some way, form or fashion

However, this could not be proven because, as her paper trail leads back to a SITTING President, the Judiciary Committee would have never gotten their hands on it.

Yeah...Ms. Miers would have SAILED through the Senate....if it wasn't for those asshole right-wingers.


Blogger ClayGunter said...

My concern with the theory that Alito espoused for the Reagan Administration is that it seems to be his own view. We opposed one King George and now seem to be creating another. My only hope is that when the tide turns we will use the same wiretapping on the terrorists of Chevron, Halibuburton, and Exxon who in a time of national crisis and war have screwed America with their use of cronyism and price fixing schemes. And yes I do believe that

Harriet Miers did get screwed. Was she the best choice. Probably not but after getting selected and touted as the best choice the White House ran hard from her as soon as the extreem right yelled.

The concern for me is either you have a best choice or not. Is Alito the second best? If he is... God help us for the 3rd.

Regarding state rights my question is this if we are strict constitutionalist how can any state deny marriage to anyone?

"Amendment XIV - Citizenship rights. Ratified 7/9/1868. Note History

1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006 9:41:00 AM  

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