Friday, January 27, 2006

Voter ID Law

Over the past two years, I’ve watched this issue be argued back and forth and, for the life of me, cannot see how, with a straight face, someone can compare this to the wholesale disenfranchisement of black voters that took place prior to the passage of the Voting Rights Act or passage of the 15th, 19th or 24th amendments.

Bottom line: I am asked for my drivers license on almost a daily basis, as are most Americans. ID is required to puchase cigarettes and alcohol. In most stores, ID is required when using a credit card and is always required when you write a check. You have to show your ID to get on an airplane, get a hotel room, and, in some cases, to enter an R rated movie.

Although I’m not familiar with the processes involved, it would be a fair assumption that you would have to show ID in order to apply for state assistance, Social Security and the like.

I’m about to go and file my homestead exemption and, when I called the tax assessors office, they told me I had to bring an ID…just like I had to do when I registered my cars in this county.

If an ID is required for all of these daily activities, why is it unreasonable to be asked for an ID when you are about to exercise one of the greatest rights (and responsibilities) you possess as an American?

Based on a quick Google Search, at least 21 other states already have laws in place requiring an ID to vote...many of them are actually blue states Georgia is not breaking any new ground here. This new bill is actually making the process of getting an ID easier by ensuring that all counties have facilities to issue an ID and, further, makes them free of charge.

Passage of this bill creates a minor inconvenience for a small number of people who have the standing and the right to vote. It creates a SIGNIFICANT hurdle for those who do not have the right to vote and those who intend to commit voter fraud…whether they be Republican, Democrat or other.

This is not an attempt at disenfranchising the poor/old/minorities. It’s common sense.


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