Monday, January 30, 2006

Legitimate Question

- Really, I'm not trying to be a butthole...

The critically acclaimed (yet hardly watched) "Commander In Chief", which focuses on the life of the first female President of the United States, is being "put on hiatus".

Question: If the American public is not interested in watching a one-hour drama about a female president, is this an indication that Hillary really has no chance at the Oval Office?

Confession: I watched "Commander-in-Chief" a few times. Wasn't a horrible show, but it certainly wasn't something I'd be all that interested in putting on my "must-see" list. May have been cancelled on it's merits (or lack thereof), rather than America's lack of interest in a woman at the helm, but you've gotta wonder.

Cheap Shot: Hillary being put in the Oval Office would likely be a HUGE step backwards for the Women's Lib movement. Being female, under the age of 50 and under the weight of 250 pounds would immediately disqualify you from any position inside the White House. If Bill can find time for a chunky intern as President of the US, imagine what he could do with 16 free hours-per-day as "First Lady".

Sometimes I crack myself up...


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