Tuesday, January 24, 2006

There's nothing to see here...move along...

Sitting on a bookshelf in my living room is a picture of my wife, arm-in-arm, with a candidate for Texas Governor named George W. Bush. This picture was taken at some sort of event of which I know no details other than it was around 1994. The two of them look chummy.

Despite the fact that my wife and Mr. Bush lived on the same street for a number of years, have mutual acquaintences and had their picture taken together, I'm pretty confident that he would have no idea who she was were they to meet again today. I'm also pretty confident that these facts have exactly zero to do with any policy decisions made by Governor or President Bush respectively.

Accordingly, I'm not convinced that the pictures of Bush and Abramoff quite rise to the status of "smoking gun" as many seem to hope:

"Oh my GAWD! There's pictures of them together!! This PROVES that Bush accepted quid pro quo contributions from a corrupt lobbiest who has been linked to other Republicans! We've got him, fellas!!!! IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH!"

Aww, maybe I'm just being silly...


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