Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Notes on SOTU

Let's see if I can pull this off.

1. Apparently Cindy Sheehan was invited to SOTU by a CA congressperson and tried to get a banner into the chamber...apparently for a little protest. She was stopped, she refused to give it up, raised a rukus and was, subsequently arrested. Idiot.
The DU and Kos boards are probably going nuts.

2. Cynthia McKinney, of course, didn't let me down and was right at the front waiting on a kiss from W. Once again, he managed to accomodate her without smacking the hell out of her. The patience of Job, I'm telling ya.

3. Coretta Scott King got the first line...of course. Kinda surprised that he limited it to about 2-3 sentences. I figured he'd take the first couple minutes.

4. Opens about needing to keep our disagreements from manifesting into out-and-out hatred for each other. Obvious statement...but necessary.

5. Alito is sitting up front, wearing a robe. Sweet.

6. On Iraq and Afghanistan: "There is no peace in retreat. There is no honor in retreat"
"We will not surrender to evil."
Democrats yawning.
Actually, I'm kinda yawning too. The warm-fuzzy stuff is fine and good, but it also gets a bit repetitive.

7. Here comes Iran. Even I'll admit that this is sounding eerily similar to his comment to Iraqis in 2003.

So far, all of Europe and much of the UN is not happy with Iran and their nuclear pursuit. Will we build a "more acceptable" coalition????

8. NSA wiretapping. What we're doing has been done by other presidents and been approved by Federal Courts. It's integral to our safety...we're not going to sit idly.
In short: "You feeling froggy, Dems? Jump."

9. We need to be better stewards of tax dollars and cut spending.
Uh...no shit.

10. "This year, the first of about 78 million Baby Boomers turn 60, including two of my Dad’s favorite people – me, and Bill Clinton."

OK, this play-by-play is killing me and not working. I'll pay attention now and post more later.


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