Monday, January 30, 2006

Oh yeah...I forgot...

Filibuster failed.

Any of you centrist Democrats who have any hope of Dems taking a majority position in the Senate (or the House, or the White House), dodged a bullet.

Most of those who voted against cloture are in UNQUESTIONABLY blue states and probably managed to duck an ugly primary. The far-left doesn't have the numbers to have an overwhelming impact on national races, but they're just strong enough to screw-up a primary for a Feinstein (CA) or a Menendez (NJ) or the like.

Speaking of Feinstein, I hear that Cindy Sheehan is considering a run against her.

As a conservative (note, I say "conservative", not "Republican"), I can only say, "From your mouth to God's ear, babe. Best of luck. WAY better fodder for those of us who enjoy watching the adversary self-destruct. Anyone who makes Ted Kennedy look sane would be a hoot."

(Actually, I guess I should refer to myself as the "right-leaning Federalist" rather than "conservative". Whatever.)

For those who actually stood a chance at losing an election (and another Congressional seat to a Republican), they tended to go the "self-preservation" route.



Blogger ClayGunter said...

OK you finally baited me...

1. The Alito victory was inevitable unfortunately it puts Roe v Wade at risk. I am pro privacy rights. Perhap Roe v Wade is not the most cleasrly written text but it does uphold this.
My issue with the right is simply this. You oppose abortion and anything but abstiance based education but contunually attack, cut, and under fund program which often effect these children (of unwanted pregnancies.)

Additionally, the new justice will want to expand executive authority. Completely in contrary to the found fathers intentions and the strict reading of the constitution that the right claims to want.

I do agree the confirmation hearings are a waste of time. We should just vote. Alito may not have lied but his not lying was = to what the republicans impeached Clinton on.

Using the judges definition he did not have sex as the judge excluded oral sex. Was it a stretch yep...Alito "well em never thought about an abortion case that might overturn Roe." BS!!!

2. Commander and chief was very poorly written bad TV nothing more or less.

3. I am curious about the concern the right has about Hillary. If she is as weak as they claim why wouldn't they love to see her run. My opinion is that the right knows seshe is an intellegent, well spoken, quick witted woman who could reach over and grab the slim margain the right may have.

4. When the founding fathers found the country the had no clue as to the massive chsnges the future would bring. The beauty of the Constitution is that it is a living document which will continue to change in the future as our world changes.

Monday, January 30, 2006 11:04:00 PM  

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