Thursday, January 12, 2006

Last Alito post for a while...maybe...

I think this is going to be my last Alito post for the time being , barring any significant developments, as this this goose is cooked. If you listen carefully, you can hear Mama Cass singing “I Did It My Way” from the heavens.

In addition to their bloviating, the Democrats made some bad strategic moves…most notably being Kennedy’s demand for Rusher’s files (they’ve been reviewed and guess what they found….that’s right, nothing.).

The fatal blow to the Democrats came late in the afternoon when Alito’s wife cried and walked out of the room after Lindsey Graham apologized for all of the groundless accusations and name-calling over the past couple days. Ms. Alito was truly trying to be discreet (as evidenced by her quietly leaving the room) but every media outlet has picked up on this “human element” to the story and is beaming it out to the world.

The Democratic message boards and blogs this morning are being particularly vicious to her….a sure sign that they realize that it’s over.

I sympathize with Ms. Alito for one reason:

I have a VERY thick skin. In my professional life (and, on occasion, my personal life), I have been called some of the most wretched names people could come up with. More often than not, I actually puff up my chest and smile a little when that happens because it either means I’ve pushed a button, I’ve won or both. On those occasions when those insults are directed at my integrity or intelligence, it doesn’t matter how angry I get, you’ll never see it. I’m not giving you the satisfaction.

That said, if you ever say anything even remotely negative about my wife, child, parents, siblings etc., or wrong them in any way in my presence, I immediately make it my priority in life to destroy you. And there have been occasions when the peak of my anger has manifested itself in tears.

So, I get Ms. Alito. She’s just spent the past three days listening to her husband being called a woman-hating, lying racist…things he clearly isn’t. Rather than leaping over tables and inflicting bodily injury on these guys, she cried. Bully for her. I admire her restraint.

Of course, the stakes would’ve been entirely too high for her to lose it, so I guess the restraint issue is not so much a matter of personal strength, but a matter of self-preservation.

“Honey, I appreciate you coming to my defense but I really had the confirmation locked until you shoved Kennedy’s Mont Blanc up his nether regions and gave him a wedgie.”

It’s so bad that Biden has even said that he thinks confirmation hearings, as a whole, should be scrapped as they’re completely ineffective. All nominees should just be brought to the Senate for an up-or-down vote.

While I disagree with his reasoning, I think the idea itself is spot on.


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