Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Criminals are judged by a jury of their peers...

- Supreme Court Nominees aren't so lucky...

Saw a write-up this morning which included an old trial lawyer’s saying:

If you’ve got the facts behind you, argue the facts. If you’ve got the law behind you, argue the law. If you have neither, baffle them with bullshit.”

I’ll be the first to admit that Republicans are sucking right now for a wide variety of reasons that I may get into later. However, Democrats have reached a level of suckitude unprecedented in my lifetime. This too is for a wide variety of reasons but I will limit myself to one specific issue. Samuel Alito.

Alito’s confirmation hearings began yesterday and each member of the judiciary committee was given an opportunity to bloviate ad nauseum about why Mr. Alito would or wouldn’t be a good Supreme Court Justice.

Dick Durbin included the following in his opening statement:

“As a government lawyer, you pushed a policy of legislative construction designed to make congressional intents secondary to presidential intent. You wrote, and I quote, "The president will get in the last words on questions of interpretation," close quote.”

The “policy” Durbin refers was actually a memo, commissioned by the Reagan administration, which provided an opinion on Presidential Signing Statements. Apparently, the Gipper wanted to test the waters on whether or not he and his successors would be able to provide their own interpretation of legislation when it crossed his desk.

Like any good lawyer, Alito’s memo included some forward-thinking statements regarding obstacles associated with this position. Under the heading “Congressional Relations”; he wrote:

“In addition, and perhaps most important, Congress is likely to resent the fact that the President will get in the last word on questions of interpretation.”

On New Years Eve, we had some friends over to bring in the new year with a few fizzy libations and some games After enjoying a few drinks, I beat my wife and her friend in a game of NTN trivia by 3000 points.

According to Mr. Durbin, this could just as accurately be interepreted as “After enjoying a few drinks, I beat my wife.”

Then we come to my favorite Senator, Ted “I’m-all-for-women-unless-I-happen-to-kill-one” Kennedy who said:

“No, really, I wasn’t trying to sober up, I just forgot that I left her there 12 hours earlier…”

OK, he didn’t say that at the hearing. What he really said was:

"Alito has not written one single opinion on the merits in favor of a person of color alleging race discrimination on the job"

Maybe he didn’t write any, but he’s ruled in favor of a person of color on at least 4 occasions when the decision was written by a different justice.

Since I’m in such an analogy mood today:

I pay most of my bills online, so I haven’t written a check for a credit card bill in four years.

By WC Fields…I mean…Kennedy’s logic that means I haven’t paid a credit card bill in 4 years because I don’t write out checks.

Republicans have been branded as the party who doesn’t care about Joe Six-Pack.

Well, Joe, the Democrats think you’re stupid. They’re counting on it. It’s easy to tell such deliberate lies to the unwashed masses if they’re not smart enough to catch you. And the mainstream media is complicit in this as I have yet to see a major news outlet call Durbin or Kennedy out. They’re standing in the lobby, kicking a foot around, looking at the sky and whistling. Meanwhile, the blog revolution continues to grow.

Prior to yesterday, I was fairly apathetic about Alito. Now, I’m a cheerleader.

These confirmation hearings, and the behavior of the Democrats therein, is further proof that they are shaking in their boots…and well they should be. 2000, 2002 and 2004 were not kind to them and their only platform for 2006 is to destroy Republicans. So far, it’s not working for them as the polls show:

1. Bush’s approval ratings are inching up, not down.

2. The majority of Americans support the Alito confirmation;

3. The majority of Americans are just not that upset about the Democrat’s pet causes of the day (NSA wiretapping, Abramoff, etc.).

It’s just an opinion, but this Alito confirmation is going to backfire on them. I’m looking forward to seeing if I’m right.


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