Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Almost as fun as watching paint dry...

Over the span of 8+ hours, Democrats have managed to ask the following questions:

1. Why didn't you recuse yourself from Vanguard like you promised 15 years ago?

2. Why were you a member of a racist, mysogenistic, xenophobic group if you're not a racist, mysogenist or xenophobe?

3 Why won't you give a straight answer on whether or not you would overturn Roe (although we all know you would)?

Unfortunately, Alito has had to answer these same three questions over and over again for the past 8+ hours.

This guy has the patience of Job. I found myself yelling at the TV, feeding him the answers he should give:

1. I made a mistake! When I realized my mistake, I fixed it by having the case re-heard by a different panel...which came up with the same decision I did before I realized I screwed up! My bad. Move on.

2. I answered the f&@(ing telephone one evening and it was an alumni group asking for cash! Princeton pissed me off because of the ROTC thing so I ponied up. I didn't know that a couple of their members wrote some unflattering articles! Had I known, I wouldn't have kicked in! Again, my bad. It's no more a reflection of me than Ted's Nazi Dad is on him.

3. What part of "I'm not answering a question which may come before my court" do you not understand, asshole? You idiots keep saying stupid crap like "settled law" and "super-duper precedent" on the a far-overreaching decision that only passed with a 5-4 majority and is still being debated on both sides of the aisle. THEN you have the audacity to compare it to Brown v. Board of Education? Go screw yourself.

Durbin just took the floor and is now asking about unitary executive theory. Yet another stupid question (as referenced earlier, testing the impeachment waters) but at least it's a change of pace.

This guy has been a Federal Appeals Justice for the past 15 years and has decided (or dissented) from thousands of opinions. His decisions and dissents would be a pretty strong indicator as to how he would decide cases in the future. But somehow, the Democrats can't get past a mistake, a 20 year old job application or abortion.

Once cool thing that happened: Kennedy's bluff got called. The guy who wrote the papers Kennedy wanted to subpoena were released before Specter even got a chance to think about it. Stalling tactic is shot, as is the fillibuster possibility Teddy was counting on.

The wife and kid are on their way home. Time to order some Chinese.


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