Monday, January 02, 2006

It's 2006...

-doesn't feel any different...

Last day of vacation and it's back to work tomorrow. Ugh.

Trip home was fine and I'm very glad to have the wife and kid back to myself again. After two weeks of sharing them, I started to feel a little territorial.

Downloaded a trial version of Pinnacle Studio and am currently trying to burn a rough edit of the Christmas videos onto DVD. If this works well, I'll go out (maybe this afternoon) to buy the actual unrestricted software. My first edit was fun, but it's certainly time consuming. Oh well...I needed a new hobby. At least this one is more productive than playing PS2.

Keeping this one short. In addition to the video editing, I'm spending the day having some Daddy/Daughter time while Mom works. I think the kid is about 20 minutes away from losing interest in Dora the Explorer so I should be prepared to keep her entertained. I wonder if she'd enjoy a trip to Best Buy?


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