Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Ted Kennedy Hates Jews

I paid little attention to the hearings until Teddy-Boy came on.

He hammered on Vanguard and CAP only. Never mentioned anything about Alito's decisions, dissents etc (things which would reasonably be considered in a confirmation hearing), but went straight to character assassination. Labeled him a liar because of the Vanguard issue and a racist because he belonged to CAP.

By this logic, Ted Kennedy can reasonably be assumed to hate Jews because his family (specifically his father) was sympathetic to Hitler in the 30's.

Has Kennedy ever commented about Robert Byrd's LEADERSHIP in the Klan?

Now Kennedy wants to subpoena papers from the Library of Congress of one of the founding members of CAP, despite the fact that there is zero evidence of Alito's active involvement in the group, let alone any allegation that Alito was involved in founding that group. What on earth could Kennedy be thinking?

Easy answer: he's sowing the seeds for a fillibuster. Specter is not going to agree to a subpoena and, if he doesn't, the Republican-dominated committee will not vote for such. Kennedy will use that to prove that the committee was denied full disclosure of Alito's background...never mind that these papers will have nothing to do with Alito's background.

Kennedy is the primary reason I believe Congress should be subject to term limits. Idiot.


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