Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"Go Alito, it's your birthday, get stupid, Whoa-Oh!"

Working from home today so I'm getting to watch a little of the Alito hearings on C-Span. Takeaways so far:

1. Leahy elbows his way into the scene when Specter gave the floor to Durbin. He's concerned about "inconsistencies" and unanswered questions from yesterday. Specifically mentions Vanguard (which Biden just said yesterday was "malarkey").

I'm no master debater, Leahy, but common sense says that you let Alito speak for a while. If he's lying or being inconsistent, give him enough rope to hang himself.

Pure posturing. Nothing else.

2. Durbin attempts to link Roe to Griswold and Brown and is disappointed that Alito won't bite on the Roe question. Alito handled it well...Griswold and Brown will never come before the court again so he's free to discuss them. Roe probably will. Roberts did the same thing. Good job.

Brings up CAP. Leave it alone. It's a non-issue.

Uses Springsteens "Crushing Hand of Fate" as an analogy for Alito's rulings against the little guy. Thanks for the pop culture reference. Alito handled his responses well.

Goes back to Roe. Repeats the lie that overturning Roe will criminalize abortion. Ugh.

3. Brownback's statement is boring. All cheerleading. Now Coburn is on and it'll continue to be boring for the next 30 minutes.

The Democrats will go into attack mode in Round 2 as they managed to draw no real blood yesterday. I think they're all disappointed that Alito didn't sprout horns, call Feinstein a "c*%t" and start spouting racist slurs while threatning death to abortionists in Round 1.



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