Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Only 362 Shopping Days Until Christmas

Another Christmas has come and gone and I'm exhausted.

We arrived in Dallas last Monday afternoon and yesterday was the first day since we got here where we all had an opportunity to sit and relax. One of the downsides to living 800 miles away from our family is trying to fit in visits with almost 50 of our closest family members over 11 days. We've managed to put over 500 miles on the car since we've been here. At this point, we still haven't seen some of our friends from the area and, for some of those, it isn't looking good.

It's been a blast. We've truly enjoyed spending time with those we love and enjoy being with. We've even had a nice time with those who we love and tolerate (every family has a couple of those). But all good things must come to an end and I'm kinda ready to go home.

Getting home is, of course, going to be interesting. If you happen to be driving down I-20 on Friday and see a mid-sized sedan driving east bound with a 2 year-old in a car seat tied to the roof, it's probably us. If Granny Clampett can make it to Beverly Hills strapped into a rocking chair, my kid can make it to Atlanta in a well-designed, very safe GRACO car seat. I'll make certain to have her sitting backwards so that the 85 mile per hour winds are not blowing in her face. I'll even put her DVD player up there with her so that she's entertained while she's awake.

We all made out like bandits. I got enough Best Buy gift cards to cover the i-pod I want, a Home Depot gift card, clothes, etc. The wife also got gift cards, clothes, lotions and other girlie stuff. The kid now has every Dora the Explorer item ever made in addition to many other cool toys, books, dress-up trunks, etc.

Speaking of the kid, she decided, after spending some time with her 10 month old cousin, that she wants a sibling. I think her mom also had something to do with that idea. It's only going to get worse next time we come out as her aunt and uncle are expecting a little one in April.

Spent some bonding time yesterday with the father-in-law and brother-in-law. Went out to the middle of nowhere with a 12 guage semi-automatic, a 20 guage pump, a .38 revolver, a .45 semi-automatic and a box of skeet. The FIL was pleasantly surprised with my shotgun skills (actually hit a few pigeons), and I was a little disappointed to see how rusty I am with a pistol. Shot well enough to qualify for a concealed weapon permit, but that's like saying I did well on a test because I got one more question right than wrong. I need some practice.

Mama and kid want a baby, I want one of these. Guess who's going to win that one?

I'll give you a hint. It won't be me.

Off to search the web for something that will piss me off badly enough that I need to write about it.

More later...maybe.


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