Thursday, December 15, 2005

Contrary to popular belief, George Bush doesn't care about white people.

- Underreported story of the year.

How is it that these statistics are not making the rounds? Story here.

Let's N'awlins, the population was 67% black and 28% white. However, the death stats (so far), show that 59.1% of the deaths were black and 36.6% of the death's were white.

Now, I ain't all that good at "figgering" (and I'm a Financial Analyst...isn't it ironic?), BUT:

Using some rough figures (population of NO = 479,000 with @500 deaths total), this means that mortality was 1 death per 1,088 black people and 1 death per 732 white.

In other words, whites in New Orleans died at a significantly higher rate, per capita, than blacks.

There ARE some possible explanations.

1. Maybe the whites were just collateral damage.

2. Maybe the state of Louisiana is cooking the numbers to cover up George's evil plot.

3. Maybe it was just a tragic, natural disaster exacerbated by:
  • A horrible response from all government entities involved (local, state and federal);
  • An ineffective levee system;
  • A significant portion of the population being unwilling or unable to evacuate (note that 64% of the deceased are over age 60). Even when old people are physically capable of leaving, they're unwilling to.
It can't be number 3. That would be crazy talk.


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