Friday, December 09, 2005

A message to my fellow Christians

-“Happy Holidays” is just peachy…

Over and over again, I keep seeing that some of my good Christian brethren and sisteren have their collective panties in a twist over retail outlets using the phrase “Happy Holidays” rather than “Merry Christmas.” Of course, it doesn’t stop with the retailers. Dubya is facing his own persecution over the fact that the White House Christmas Cards said “Happy Holidays”. Even though the card specifically included a verse from Psalms, there’s still offense being taken as it was an Old Testament verse used…not something from the Gospels. Apparently, if it ain't Gospel, it ain't Christian.

This is, unquestionably, one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard and, frankly, if you’re one of these “Good Christians” who is offended, you should be ashamed of yourself..

Important things to note:

1. The establishment of Christmas was preceded by the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah and the pagan celebration of Winter Solstice. In fact, those two celebrations figured prominently in deciding the date Christians would celebrate Christ’s birth. Were it not for the celebration of Yule (Winter Solstice), we would have no Christmas trees, no ham, no mistletoe, no holly and not a single present would be exchanged.

2. Since the establishment of Christmas, Kwanzaa has come along (whether you recongnize it as a valid holiday or not). This holiday also involves the exchange of gifts.

3. The US was founded on Christian principles and it remains true to say that the vast majority of the US population identifies themselves as Christian…approximately 75% according to recent polls. It stands to reason, then, that 25% of the US does NOT identify themselves as such. Of those 75% who identify themselves as Christian, I would venture to guess that less than half would actually be true believers.

4. In many cases, our forefathers did not celebrate Christmas as it is not sanctioned by the Bible and because the celebration is rooted in pagan tradition. In fact, our Federal Government, based on Christian Principles mind you, did not see fit to declare Christmas a federal holiday until 1870.

The “fundies” out there are upset because their most holy of holidays is being hijacked. This is a load of crap. If anything, Christians hijacked the winter celebration from the pagans.

The celebration of Christmas, in practice, is almost entirely a social and commercial enterprise. If this were not true, Christmas would not include Santa Claus, multiple Christmas parties which involve gorging ourselves on food and drink (with no invocation of spirituality whatsoever) or the obligation to exchange expensive gifts. Christmas is, and always was, a secular holiday and the fact that many of us assign a spiritual aspect to the day is largely incidental.

Just as significant, it is a holiday which coincides with other holidays for other religions which entail the giving of gifts. No retail store is going to alienate, at minimum, 25% of their customer base because you feel slighted.

With that said, I love Christmas. I love spending time with my family, I love seeing the faces of those I love when they open a gift I’ve given them. It’s only since we’ve started going to church again that I realized how much I enjoyed being a part of Christmas cantatas.

At the Christmas celebrations I have with my family and my wife’s, the Christmas story is read from the Bible…usually by one of the children. My sisters and I make it a point to teach our children the spiritual aspects of the holiday...just as our parents did with us. Yet, I recognize the holiday for what it is…a secular holiday in which I can also reflect on God’s gift to the world.

To those who are so upset about the lost meaning of Christmas, I would encourage you to start your own tradition:

Discontinue the use of any symbol of Christmas (trees, lights, etc), as they are derived from “godless religions”. Do not accept any invitations to Christmas parties whatsoever but instead dedicate that time…100% of it…to prayer. Thank God for his Son. Do not give your children or loved ones presents…period. Instead, give that money to the church. (Heck, come to think of it, staying out of stores will completely allow your delicate sensibilities to remain unoffended.)

On Christmas morning, wake up and head to your nearest church and spend the ENTIRE day praising God (that is, if you can find one that’s having an all-day service). Make certain, however, that you schedule this day at a time where it is not in conflict with any other religious holidays. Eliminate ANYTHING which could be construed as secular, thus ensuring that nobody will be able to discount your holy day by referring to it as simply a “holiday”.

Any takers? I thought not. If you’re not willing to give up the secular aspects of your holiday, you CANNOT take offense to people celebrating the winter holiday we refer to as Christmas as a secular holiday. It was a non-religious holiday to begin with.

I leave you with one other thought:

Nobody wants to hang around with an asshole. By throwing a temper-tantrum over this issue, you are making yourself out to be just that. How, then, can you possibly expect to bring non-believers to Christ if they think the fold is make up entirely of people like you? How can you explain the true meaning of Christmas to people who are immediately turned off every time you open your mouth

I’m one of you and I don’t even want to be around you. Matthew 6:1 seems to have been forgotten:

"Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. "

Maybe it's just my opinion, but God's not impressed.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to y’all.


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