Thursday, November 03, 2005

"So, Mr. President, When Did You Stop Beating Your Wife?"

Found this little item this morning

It seemed timely as it comes the morning after my post on the Bush Lied mantra. Three items captured my attention:

1. Howard Dean, the Democratic National Committee chairman, whose ill-fated 2004 presidential campaign was fueled by opposition to the war, called on the White House and Vice President Dick Cheney to "answer questions about their roles in manipulating intelligence information to build support for the war, smearing opponents of the war and covering up that smear campaign."

Talk about showing your hand...

2. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California and Mr. Reid also sent Mr. Bush a letter asking him to apologize for the actions by Mr. Cheney's chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby and any other officials who may have been involved in the CIA leak investigation.

Spoken like a true mother: "YOU SAY YOU'RE SORRY!"

At least I can say this about Pelosi: Her demand is that they apologize for the acts of a subordinate without actually implying that Bush and Cheney are guilty. I'm sure I'll eat my words later, but I'll give credit where credit is due.

3. Michael O'Hanlon, a Brookings Institution defense analyst who advises Democrats on national-security issues, said it was legitimate for the Democrats "to raise the broader context" of the special prosecutor's indictment in the CIA leak investigation. "But it remains dangerous for any opposition party to focus on scandals by the governing party. ... Reminding voters what Republicans may have done wrong will not reach the level of getting the Democrats into the game."

Looks like Mr. O'Hanlon and I are on the same some extent.

I'll leave you with another story I came across this morning about black Democrats in Maryland pelting a black Republican with Oreos as they're both black on the outside and white on the inside.

Note to all: this isn't a party issue...

Good grief...


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