Thursday, July 13, 2006

Although Some Stupid Questions Don't Warrant Answers, I Take the Bait...

Every day, I take a quick peek at the Huffington Post just to delve into the minds of the perpetually retarded lefties who post there. I’ve not commented on any lately (in fact I haven’t commented on ANYTHING lately), but this was too good to pass up. Besides, I owed it to my public. I’ve had two separate people remind me over the past week that I’ve neglected my duties to this little corner of the web.

Beware…this is a very long post. So long, in fact, that I’ve been working on it on-and-off for the past 24 hours. It was fun though.

Without further ado, I give you the answers to “50 Easy (yet poorly reasoned, poorly worded or simply dumb) Questions to Ask Any Republican (or, in my case, Right-Leaning Federalist)”

1. What are the Top Seven best things that the Bush Administration has done?

Prevented further large-scale terrorist attacks on US soil, democracy in Afghanastan, democracy in Iraq, SIGNIFICANTLY reduced the power that Al-Queda was able to gain during the Clinton Administration, lowered taxes (thereby revitalizing a depressed economy, increasing homeownership, reducing unemployment, etc.), Number 8 would be returning Al Gore to his rightful position as a private citizen.

2. Is the Iraq War is going well?

As well as can be expected. Hate to bring up the “Liberal Media meme”, but if the news outlets spent a fraction of the time reporting on our successes rather than focusing on setbacks, public perception wouldn’t be so bleak.

3. After three years thus far, when do you think Iraq might be able to "stand up" so that America can "stand down"?

Not sure. How long did it take for Germany, Japan, etc. to “stand up” so we can “stand down”?

4. For his part in the event, how would you rate the job the President did protecting New Orleans from devastation?

Because I don’t believe that it was his responsibility to personally fly to N'awlins to stick his finger in the dike, I think he did just fine. How would you rate Nagin and Landreau’s jobs?

5. How do you think the rebuilding of New Orleans is going?

Haven’t paid much attention but probably about as well as (if not better) than the rebuilding of Homestead went after Hurricane Andrew. WAY better than the rebuilding of the World Trade Center.

6. When Dick Cheney and the oil company and energy executives met in private to plan America's energy policy, how much of their goal was to benefit consumers?

The purpose of the energy policy was to address potential shortages in energy and figure out how to mitigate that risk. In the long-term, it was completely for the consumer's benefit. At no point, however, were they charged with figuring out how to reduce the price of a cost of a gallon of gas or nationalize the oil industry.

7. Do you believe in the President's call for an Era of Personal Responsibility?

As opposed to an “Era of I Feel Your Pain, We’re Here To Take Care Of You, It’s All The Corporations' Fault, The Man Is Holding You Down Nanny Statism?” Absolutely

8. Since Republicans control the White House, Senate and House of Representatives, how personally responsible are they for conditions in America today?

Sadly, very reponsible. Despite the fact that Republicans “own” all three houses, many of them have zero backbone and are apt to cave to Democrats and fringe groups. “Speak softly and carry a big stick” is lost on the pantywaste Republicans we’ve elected and I, for one, am deeply disappointed by this.

9. Why do you think they haven't been able to find anyone who can verify that George Bush ever showed up for National Guard duty in Alabama?

Who cares? I care no more or less about that than why Kerry hasn’t fulfilled his promise to release his entire military file.

10. Would you want Donald Rumsfeld to plan your daughter's wedding?

No. I would never wish wedding planning on any man (other than the groom).

11. Are you aware that no government in the history of civilization, other than the Bush Administration, has lowered taxes during a war?

Are you aware that no government in the history of civilization, other than the Bush Administration, has not only lowered taxes during a war but also increased tax revenues at the same time?

12. Are you married?


13. Do you personally feel threatened by gay marriage?

Why does opposition to homosexuality always have to be likened to a fear or threat? In my life, I’ve known many homosexuals and the only time I felt threatened by one was when a really large lesbian took humbrage with the fact that I was hitting on her bi-curious girlfriend.

No, I’m not threatened by gay marriage. I do, however, oppose it.

14. Since getting elected, do you think the President has been more a uniter or a divider?

Since getting elected to which office? As Governor of Texas, he was unparalleled in his ability to unite both sides of the aisle. I don’t fault W. for dividing the country. I fault him for being so naïve as to think that he could actually pull off in Washington what he did in Texas.

15. How do you explain the President's approval rating going from a high of 90% to the current mid-30%?

Easy. Democrats have always hated him and Conservatives (such as myself) have fallen out of love with him because he has compromised many of those things that we put him in office to do.

16. Do you like the government collecting personal data on you without a warrant?

Because I don’t fit the criteria of a potential terrorist or terrorist sympathizer (thereby meaning that I’ve likely not had any of my personal data collected beyond what the IRS has been doing my entire adult life) , I’ve not lost any sleep over it.

17. How much money do you have in your bank account, stocks and investments?

Bank account: less than I would like, but enough to get by. Stocks: a little. Investments: six figures.

All is well

18. What's your partner's favorite sex position?

The only thing my wife has made clear to me on her preferences are those that she doesn’t like.

19. If you have nothing to hide, why aren't you answering?

I did.

20. Should we build a wall along the Mexican border?

Probably not, but we should do a better job of patrolling our border.

I'd be more inclined to dredge out the Rio Grande to make it too deep to cross on foot. Releasing a few surplus gators (not to injure anyone but to make the potential crosser re-think his position) wouldn't be bad either. Florida's got plenty of them to spare.

21. Why isn't anyone building a wall along the Canadian border?

Probably has something to do with Canadians being generally satisfied with their station in life and not fleeing in droves.

22. Does that terrorist gang arrested in Canada count as a threat?

POTENTIAL threat. Or, at least, used to be.

23. If you shot someone in the face while drinking, how fast would the police show up to arrest you?

It would probably depend on the circumstances. If I were to have a beer with lunch prior to an afternoon hunt in Texas and were to accidentally discharge my weapon, causing non life-threatening injury to another person in my hunting party, the likelihood of my arrest would be pretty slim.

My father-in-law used to hunt with a gentleman who, on average, shot one person every season and there was likely alcohol involved. No arrests.

24. If Donald Rumsfeld had planned your daughter's wedding three years ago, would the guests still be there?

Was it an open bar?

The premise of the question is stupid. Weddings, including receptions, generally last anywhere from 3 to 6 hours (mine was 5.5). Major wars, on the other hand, generally last anywhere from 2 years (WW1) to 14 (Vietnam). If you compare Iraq to Vietnam (as liberals are so inclined to do), after 3 years, we haven’t even gotten to “You may kiss the Bride” yet.

25. Even if no laws are broken, do you think it's okay to reveal the name of a covert agent?

Probably not, but you answered the key to the question within the first 6 words…”no laws are broken.”

Rather than arguing the premise of the question (and there are arguments to be made), I’ll drop it.

Hoping that an investigation would bring down the “Bush Family Evil Empire” and only being handed a dude named Scooter on a perjury charge must be heartbreaking. Being the compassionate feller I am, I’ll leave it alone so liberals may continue to lick their wounds and scream to the skies.

26. During your lifetime, approximately how often have you changed your mind?

I’m not even sure how many times I’ve changed my mind this week.

As far as changing my mind on values-based decisions I’ve made, I believe it was only once. Back when I was a young and stupid college student, I had a handful of liberal ideas on certain subjects. Then I thought the better of it.

27. Why shouldn't people dismiss you as a flip-flopper?

Stupid teenaged decisions made while drunk and thinking with my lower torso should not be held against me in my 30s.

28. Where do you think the Weapons of Mass Destruction might be?

In a deep dark hole in close proximity to John Kerry’s integrity.

(By putting "John Kerry" and "integrity" into the same sentence, I'm hoping to land near the top of Google in the event anyone is silly enough to do a search with those three words in it.)

29. Where do you think Osama bin Laden might be?

Strapped to a dialysis machine and mourning the fact that his legacy is being stomped out, one terrorist at time.

30. Is it fiscally responsible to cut taxes, increase spending and create a $9 trillion federal debt?

No. But name one other time in the history of the US when one could rightly accuse the Federal Government of being fiscally responsible.

I will agree, however, that Bush has blown this one. Cutting taxes was great but I’m chagrined over the fact that he has yet to veto a single spending bill.

31. Are you glad liberals passed such programs as Social Security, Medicare, the Civil Rights Act, women's suffrage, federal deposit insurance, unemployment compensation, rural electrification, child labor laws, minimum wages and the 40-hour work week?

Considering it’s all I’ve ever known, sure.

Can you, however, point out a great liberal accomplishment enacted in MY lifetime (34 years)?

32. What are the Top Ten best things that conservatives have given to America?

Methinks the author lacks an understanding of what a “Conservative” is, despite the fact that the definition of a Conservative is contained in the root of the word. We leave the ideas up to the liberals and, I’ll grant, some of the ideas have been good ones (Civil Rights, Women’s Sufferage, etc.). The Conservative’s job is to make sure that the liberals don’t go off half-cocked and pass something stupid like Universal Health Care, or some such.

33. If you were on life support, would you want a doctor you'd never met making a diagnosis about you via remote television?

Better than making a diagnosis via cell phone or walkie-talkie.

No, I probably would not, but what does this question have to do with anything?

34. Do you think man-made greenhouse gases have anything at all to do with depleting the ozone layer?

I have no idea and, even if I did, how am I, as a financial analyst, qualified to make that determination? Seems to me that the scientists who are experts in the field can’t even get on the same page.

35. If Donald Rumsfeld had planned your daughter's wedding three years ago, and guests were still there, how many factions would they now be split into?

See question 24. Because we haven’t even gotten to the smooching yet, they would be divided into exactly 2. Bride’s side and Groom’s side.

36. How good is it that the terrorist Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi was killed?

In the words of one of my great-uncles, “Pooder than gussy.”

37. Are you aware that in 2002 the Pentagon knew where al-Zarqawi was and presented three separate plans to kill him, but the Administration refused to act each time?

Not to downplay al-Zarqawi’s bad guy credentials, but are YOU aware that in 2002, he was a much lesser bad guy, not a member of al-Queda and, therefore, not really a top focus?

Personally, I'd have probably liked to have seen him taken out (along with many others), but government-sanctioned assasination of an unaffiliated bad guy just would not have worked to our advantage (from a diplomatic standpoint).

Were I to find out that we had opportunity to take him out in 2004 or 2005 and neglected to do so, THEN I’d be pissed.

38. Is George W. Bush the kind of guy you'd want to sit down and have a beer with?


39. When he started talking about being a Born Again Christian, would you want to stay or leave?

I’d stay. As a Christian, I don’t generally take offense to talk of God, Christ and all that goes along with it.

If the conversation went all zealot and stuff, I’d be more inclined to walk away, but doubt that would happen. Contrary to liberal belief, W. isn’t really a zealot…CERTAINLY not by Southern standards.

40. Is Ray Romano the kind of guy you'd want to sit down and have a beer with?

Sure, but as I don’t know anything about him and probably have little in common with him, I’m not sure how much fun it would be.

41. Would you want him to be President?

What, pray, does that have to do with anything?

As soon as Ray starts to explore a run for the Presidency, I’ll start to do my research on his qualifications and whether or not I’d support him.

42. Does the Administration have an environmental policy that benefits the environment?

The Administration has identified certain aspects of a beneficial environmental policy but it seems the left keep pissing all over them (i.e., expansion of nuclear energy capabilities, putting a gag on Al Gore and all of the hot air he ventilates, etc.).

43. Since George Bush campaigned for President strongly against nation building, in what ways are our actions in Iraq not nation building?

When George Bush campaigned for President strongly against nation building, there were two WTC towers standing in NYC and a Pentagon that contained 5 complete sides. His administration was dealt a crappy hand and he had to work with it accordingly.

Besides, if we reduce a country to rubble, we'll kick in to rebuild it. We're pretty cool like that.

And before any liberal starts to argue that Bush planned the Iraq invasion prior to his presidency or, worse, that he knew it was going to happen since 9-11 was an inside job, stop. No point in making yourself look stupid with asinine conspiracy theories.

44. What's the maximum amount of time you'd want to spend alone with Dick Cheney?

Much of it would depend on the locale. If my first meeting with him took place on a golf course or at a party over a nice bottle of 15 year old bourbon, I might make a friend for life. If I first met him on a quail plantation, I’d still probably like him…I’d just give him a wide berth.

In fact, of everyone in the Bush Administration, Cheney is the one that I’d probably like the most. The fact that he’s speaks bluntly, thinks sharply and appears to have no need for chatty small talk would mix well with my personality.

45. After dismissing Saddam Hussein's old Iraqi army, was it a good idea to let them keep their rifles?

Dismiss??? Are you f*$#ing stupid?

We did not dismiss Hussein’s army as there was no army left to dismiss. Those Iraqi soldiers who had not been turned into swiss cheese or crispy critters simply went home. No surrender, no dismissal…just obliteration.

Letting those former soldiers keep their guns was probably not the best thing to do, but raiding the house of every former soldier (putting our own soldiers at great risk) in order to snag the rifle wouldn’t have been any smarter.

46. Would a policy that allows torture be something that makes you proud as an American?

How is this relevent? Didn’t the Bush Administration already denounce and ban (at least, publically) torture?

Personally, I think we've gone above-and-beyond on the torture thing because we've defined torture as, essentially, anything which is uncomfortable to the prisoner. Ripping out fingernails in torture. Constant beating is torture. Force-feeding an inmate who is trying to starve himself to death or building a pyramid out of sweaty, naked Arab guys is not. Certainly not PLEASANT, but not torture.

47. Has the Mission been Accomplished?

If you define the mission as “Major Combat Operations”, yes.

People (read: "liberals") make it out that "Mission Accomplished" meant that Bush had already asked Colin Powell to start planning a Middle Eastern kegger. He was abundantly clear that the work there wasn't done by a far sight.

I agree, however, that "Mission Accomplished" wasn't the wisest photo-op ever conceived.

48. Do you feel comforted that Dick Cheney is a heartbeat away from being President?

For those reasons referenced in question 44, yes. Very.

49. If Donald Rumsfeld had planned your daughter's wedding, and guests started fighting and were killed, would you expect to be allowed to view the caskets when they were returned home?

This question is too stupid for me to even give a smartassed answer.

50. How glad do you think George Bush is that he's no longer active in the National Guard?

Probably as glad as I am that, after 15 years, I’m not in the same position I was in when I first became a grown-up and entered the workforce.


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