Monday, February 13, 2006


As you may be aware, our old pal, Dick Cheney accidentally shot somebody over the weekend during a quail hunting trip. The 78 year-old lawyer is, apparently going to be alright. Accordingly, a couple jokes may be appropriate:

“Since wholesale Social Security reform failed, Cheney is taking a retail approach”;


“Afterwards, Cheney said three words: “tort reform, bitch!”

I’m sure there are tons more out there, but I’m not going out looking for them. They’ll make their way to me, I’m certain.

By eyewitness accounts, he who was shot left and, subsequently, rejoined the hunting party without announcing himself (big no-no) just about the time the Veep was taking a shot. Based on my limited bird hunting (maybe a half-dozen times in my life) and skeet shooting, it is extremely understandable how easily something like this can happen. You don’t just stand still and wait for a target to make its way into your line of fire, you track it until you have a good shot. This means you are leading a small bird which is capable of flying at over 30 miles per hour. It’s a pretty quick process and you’re covering a lot of real estate.

But, don’t allow any understanding of the dynamics of quail hunting to get in the way of political grandstanding or personal attacks.

Give me a freaking break.

And, of course, the moonbats over at Democratic Underground are losing their minds. Always fun to see a group of people so passionate in their ignorance.

Good luck and Godspeed to Mr. Whittington for a swift recovery.


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