Monday, February 13, 2006

Cheney's Chappaquiddick

I truly planned on leaving this Dick Cheney thing alone after my one post. Unfortunately, I have problems keeping my mouth (or typing fingers) quiet when I read the most monumentally stupid conspiracy theories espoused by people who are truly educated beyond their own intelligence (hat tip to Jerry Clower).

An excerpt from “Cheney’s Chappaquiddick

“Why do I say Chappaquiddick? After all, the wingers will shriek, nobody died at the Armstrong Ranch. Of course, that's just dumb luck. If a pellet had gone into Whittington's eye, straight to his brain ... And however much they spin it, the guy's still in intensive care on the third day after being "peppered" and "sprayed."

The reason Chappaquiddick haunts Ted Kennedy thirty-plus years later is because he covered up. He hid out and didn't file a police report, instead of doing the right thing immediately and reporting the accident. People have speculated since then that he was hoping the incident would never come out, or that he could pin the blame on someone else, or that he just needed time to sober up.

Hmmm ... here's a multiple-choice question: which of these explanations might also apply to the Cheney shooting? And let's not leave out "D," all of the above. Sure, Cheney supposedly quit drinking after those multiple drunk driving convictions, but then so did his boss, and questions have been raised with him, too ... "

Let’s do a quick compare and contrast:

Cheney accidentally shot a hunting partner who managed to forget the basic rules of a group hunt. Upon realizing what happened, Cheney, his Secret Service Detail and traveling Medical Team immediately went to render aid to the injured party while waiting for EMS to show-up. It is inferred in some accounts that the Sheriff’s department accompanied the ambulance to the hospital. The Sheriff’s office has reviewed the case, determined that this was truly an accident and has closed the investigation. All accounts have also confirmed that Mr. Cheney spent a good part of Sunday with the Mr. Whittington in the hospital. All accounts also indicate that Cheney was extremely apologetic. Medical experts expect him to make a "full recovery."

Kennedy accidentally drove his car into a body of water. He managed to escape, but the woman in the car with him did not. After Kennedy was unsuccessful with his alledged attempt to rescue the woman, he went and told his friends about it who alledgedly went back to the car but were unable to free her. The next morning, he called the authorities to advise them of the accident. Of course, the authorities were already aware of the accident as it had been called in some time before Kennedy ever called them. The investigators were able to determine that the victim had survived in an air pocket for some period of time which may have been long enough to ensure that she survived the accident. Of course, the one fact we are aware of is that whatever air pocket there was wasn’t sufficient to support her for 8.5 hours between the time of the accident and the time the authorities were able to get to her out of the car.

DAMN! The similarities are striking, aren’t they?

How Cheney’s actions constitute hiding out and not doing the right thing is beyond me. His biggest (and, perhaps, ONLY) sin in this situation was waiting to tell the press about it (the bastard!). Cheney's "cover-up" didn't result in a young woman's just pissed off the press corps.

And don't be fooled. They're not really mad...they're just showing a little self-righteous "WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW" indignation. I promise...the press is THRILLED about this.

I do like how, once again, this is pinned on Rove. It’s a conspiracy to divert attention from Plamegate and to allow the White House a more comfortable opportunity to push Cheney out, they say.



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