Thursday, February 16, 2006

Isn't it ironic? Do ya think?

In an article regarding the Cheney shooting, Hillary Clinton was quoted:

The former first lady continued: "The refusal of this administration to level with the American people on matters large and small is very disturbing, because it goes counter to the way our constitutional democracy ... is supposed to work."


Top-Secret Hillarycare Committees;
Filegate (subsequent to the Foster suicide);
Obstruction of Travelgate investigation;

Please understand that this post is not intended to argue the merits of any of the above-referenced Clinton Administrations scandals (nor is it inclusive of all of the alledged scandals).

I am curious, however, how someone who spent so many years on the receiving end of accusations of lies, cover-ups and scandals, big or small, warranted or not, can make a statement such as this without so much as cracking a smile.

Political grandstanding, perhaps?


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