Monday, February 13, 2006

A confession

I ordinarily avoid heavy confessions in my writings, but I beg you to bear with me as I feel so many young parents can learn from my heartbreaking story.

When my wife and I decided several years ago to bring a child into this world, I did so knowing that, at some point in my baby’s life, I would feel as though I’ve failed her. Such a close bond between two people, one that lasts a lifetime, makes failure an inevitability. Would my failure be the result of too much or not enough discipline? Would I fail her by broken promises? Would certain aspects of my lifestyle…my taste in music and affinity for brown liquors… prove to be so negatively influential on her that it would lead her to a life of alcoholism, devoid of a positive spiritual ideal?

Yes, I knew that it was never a question of “IF” I would fail her but “when…and how badly?” I just never expected to have failed as a parent before my daughter turned 3.

But fail her I did. I allowed “Curious George” books in my house.

I truly believed that these books were the story of a friendship between a monkey and a man in a yellow hat. How could I have been so blind???

It was my blindness…nay, my WILLFUL IGNORANCE…to the obvious themes of animal slavery and western imperialism which have caused me to screw up the most important role that I will ever play…that of a Daddy. I have infected my daughter’s brain with the belief that it is OK to oppress our animal friends.

I’ve seen the error of my ways. I now know that “…not only does the story reveal the sinister side of a corrupt wildlife trade with perilous roots in Western imperialism, but recent ethical, legal and scientific considerations on the personhood of primates makes a traditional reading of Curious George both impossible and irresponsible.”

Tonight, before I take all of my daughter’s books to the backyard for burning, I will draw her close to me, look deep into her eyes and say, “Honey, I know I’m asking a lot, but I beg you to forgive me for the damage I’ve caused you. From now on, I promise that I will not expose you to such horrendous ideals and beliefs. As God is my witness, I will consult with the experts before I ever read you another book again.”

And as a single tear falls down my cheek, she will respond, “Daddy, can I have a fruit snack?”


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