Friday, February 03, 2006

Big Bad Dad on Sabbatical

Prior to departing the house this morning, my lovely and talented wife doped me up with Tylenol Allergy to combat a nasty little allergy. While this has certainly resulted in a marked improvement in my breathing ability, it has left my poor brain feeling like it's coming down off a real cheap vodka bender.

Sad. I haven't even wanted to READ any political or social commentary today, let alone write any.

Fortunately, I'm at a point in my project where I can dedicate the remainder of the business day to brainless, repetitive crap, so I've got that going for me...which is nice.

UNfortunately, I'm still committed to joining a co-worker for beers after work...which I'm NOT all that thrilled about. Oh well.

Tune in later for more scintillating commentary, scathing indictments and witty banter from your host. In the meantime, you can waste a little time here.


Your Working Boy


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