Monday, January 23, 2006

Post 2 of 2 for the afternoon

See below for Post One:

This will be the republicans undoing

(includes a comic of Alito and Bush on a small elephant named “far-right” dragging a large elephant.…the large elephant is trying to “keep the little brat happy”)

Clay:Just like the far left continues to undue the Democrats.

Statistics say America is ripe for the 3rd party. The question is not if but when on all counts”

Me: Count me in on the third (and even fourth) party. Republican is how I vote because they’re closer to my political ideology than the Democrats but they are certainly not a party that I’m happy with right now. I’m really tired of both sides of the aisle pandering to the more extreme elements of the party…especially since the more extreme elements have smaller numbers. I’d much rather us more moderate folks take back the existing parties and let the moonbats and wingnuts form their own parties. The Moonbats can rebrand Socialism and the wingnuts can create their own theocracy.

While we’re at it, let’s pass term limits for members of both the House and Senate and pass a Congressional demerit system which would have consequences for bad behavior.

That said, I take issue with one of the insinuations of the comic:

Bush’s nomination of Alito was an act of self-preservation, to be sure, but I don’t think it was pandering to the extreme right.

W found himself well outside the good graces of the majority of the people who voted for him, and as we’ve discussed, the majority of those of us who voted for him were NOT far-right wing.

On Clay’s comment board, I posted the following after Alito got the nomination:

“…Bush had no choice but to consult with prominent conservatives on the Alito pick because there was no way he was going to alienate his base again. The only conservatives who were happy with the Miers pick were those with a blind allegiance to GWB. Those of us (myself included) who already have issues with Dubya's brand of conservativism were ready to run him out on a rail. Ask my wife...after the Miers announcement, I told her that he'd pretty much lost me.

Why was I mad about the Miers pick?

A. Miers may be a brilliant corporate lawyer but there was no evidence that she was a constitutional scholar. Kinda difficult to believe that she was the best possible choice. Her resume consisted of being a Dallas City Councilwoman, running a law firm (which doesn't necessarily mean that she did much practicing of law at the time) and running the Texas Lottery Commission. While she, admittedly, has practiced law as White House Counsel for the past few years, she seems much more suited to a management position for some government agency than a seat on SCOTUS.

B. This whole thing just SMACKED of cronyism. Leave alone the fact that these two lived in the same North Dallas neighborhood for some time, there was a paper trail of their friendship that did not look good. After the Michael Brown/FEMA fiasco, the LAST thing we wanted to see was Bush nominate someone less than qualified to ANY position, let alone the Supreme Court. In the case of Miers, had it not been for her personal relationship with Dubya, she'd still be managing a law firm and living in Preston Hollow…”

I agree with the overall point of the comic, I just don’t think that Alito is the best example of the President pandering to the far-right.

With everything that’s going on, the Republican’s undoing will most likely be the Abramoff thing. That’s FAR uglier than NSA or Alito.

Just my $.02


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