Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Mad Cow

Two brief items this morning:

In follow-up to my post earlier this week, Ray Nagin has now apologized for blaming Katrina on God's wrath AND his "chocolate city" remarks. Sorta...

I do find his original explanation (from which he later backpedeled) for chocolate amusing:

"How do you make chocolate? You take dark chocolate, you mix it with white milk, and it becomes a delicious drink. That is the chocolate I am talking about,"

Well hell, Ray...I always liked a little Kahlua in my cocoa and a few Rice Krispies mixed in to give it a little extra texture. ..kinda like a "Krackle" bar. Had you thought about that, your explanation could've included the Mexicans and the Asians as great big hot cocoa melting pot!

Item number two relates (to some extent) to the best show on TV...Boston Legal.

This morning I see on the news that Denny Crane himself (William Shatner) sold a kidney stone, passed by himself personally, to Golden Palace for $25,000, all proceeds going to charity.

Was it a case of Shatner's arrogance and vanity or was it a brilliant move to exploit the rabid celebrity mania so rampant in this culture? It's probably a combination of the two with an emphasis on the latter:

"I'm William Shatner, man....a legend! I'm Denny Crane...TJ Hooker. I was Kirk, for heavens sake! Why, I bet that I could fart in a jar and sell it for $100!"

"Well, Bill, let's test that theory. When you pass that stone you're working on, auction it off."

"BRILLIANT! Why, I'm sure some idiot trekkie would pay THOUSANDS for that!"

$25,000 for a crystalized hunk of calcium which passed though Shatner's urinary tract.

Good grief.


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