Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Odds and Ends...

Being a penguin must suck...

Caught “March of the Penguins” over the weekend. It was, truly, an amazing piece of documentary film making.. The kid was not as enthralled by it as Mom and Dad were, but she’s two, so it’s understandable.

Just for poops and giggles:

I check out the Huffington Post once a day under the ideal that you keep your friends close and your enemies closer. 93.5% of what’s posted there is conspiratorial, far-left wing crap. 5% of it is well thought-out left-wing crap. The remaining 1.5% is somewhat right-leaning and usually pretty funny (oddly enough, it’s the conservatives who are the funny ones on this blog). Danielle Crittenden’s weekly installment of Presidential Instant Messages is quite funny. Check it out.

New study shows one more malady I needn't worry about...

According to this study, coffee and tea may reduce the risk of liver damage in overweight alcoholics. Considering my daily coffee and iced tea intake, I should be fine.

Actually, I’m more of a drunk than an alcohlic. The difference? Drunks don’t have to go to meetings.

"World comes to an end; women and minorities hit hardest."

Hurricanes disproportionately affect blacks and, according to this article, women are disproportionately affected by global warming…and it’s all men’s fault. What does this mean? Because of his refusal to ratify Kyoto, George Bush does not care about women. Right, Kanye?

Who cares what the Dow did today...did you see what Angelina was wearing?"

Finally, we have the online poll for Time’s Person of the Year. By an overwhelming margin, the people believe that it should be J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter novels.

Let’s hear it for the cult of celebrity worship!

By no means am I discounting Rowling’s writing abilities. From what I understand, she’s a wonderful writer. If I had any interest whatsoever in the subject matter, I’m sure I’d be a big fan. What I AM saying, however, is that if 32% of the people who voted in this poll are of the opinion that a fiction writer “..most affected the news and our lives, for good or for ill, and embodied what was important about the year,” one of two things are true:

1. We’ve become so detached from reality that we hold those who entertain us in much higher esteem than those who truly have an impact on our lives (i.e., politicians, religious leaders, Acts of God); or,

2. People are stupid.

Actually, both are true. By definition, 50% of the US population is of below average intelligence.

As far as celebrity worship goes, John Lennon comes to mind:

About 40 years ago, he got himself into quite a bit of hot water when he said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ.

The meaning behind that comment is doubly true today, it seems. The Second Coming of Christ would be buried in the evening news if something big happened in Hollywood that day:

“Jesus Christ descended from Heaven today, sparking Armegeddon, but first we take you to Los Angeles California for breaking news. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are welcoming their new son, Banana El-Ron Cruise, into the world. Diane Sawyer speaks to us from in from of Cedars Sinai Hospital. Diane?”

El-Ron...get it? As in "Hubbard"??

Sometimes I crack myself up.


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