Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The 10 most WHAT???

So I spent the better part of last night setting up the new computer, connecting it to the satellite, etc. My plan was to be done by 10:00 so that I could test out the recording capabilities using my favorite TV show, Boston Legal (Spader and Shatner make me laugh…a lot).

Suddenly, I hear my wife upstairs say, “Oh No.”

Turns out that Boston Legal was pre-empted so that we could catch Baba Wawa listing the “10 Most Fascinating People of 2005”.

After I reeled off my list of obscenities, I went back to work on the computer and watched “Nip/Tuck” instead.

This morning I came across the list of 10 Most Fascinating and, needless to say, I’m disgusted. Would’ve been disgusted even if they hadn’t pre-empted my show.

Dakota Fanning: Cute little girl and quite a little actress but “most fascinating”? “OK,” I think to myself, “there’s the token. Let’s see who number 9 is…”

Jamie Foxx: He did a great job in “Ray” and is one of the few bruthas to win an Oscar. Good actor but, again, “most fascinating”? I think not.

Condi Rice: God bless ya, Baba. You actually got one right (although she's ranked 8th). A black woman (in color, at least. Most other black folks don’t claim her), raised in the segregated south who went on to become Secretary of State. Fascinating indeed.

Teri Hatcher: A television actress who, on the downward slide of a career, gets picked up for “Desperate Housewives” and she’s suddenly a star again. Bully for her.

Thomas Mesereau: I’ll give Babs that this one is fairly fascinating. How someone could convince a jury, against their better judgment, to acquit Michael Jackson was a hell of a hat trick. Morally reprehensible, but a little fascinating.

Lance Armstrong: Extremely impressive athlete (albeit with horrible taste in women). He did manage to accomplish something unheard of in his sport and for that I give him props.

Beth Holloway-Twitty: She sought out the killers of her daughter. Commendable, not fascinating.

Tom Cruise: He fired his publicist and showed his true demented colors on Oprah. How human. He also got someone knocked-up (alledgedly). Big deal. I have too. It’s not that difficult a feat. Certainly not fascinating.

Kanye West: A talentless hack who said that Dubya doesn’t like black people. There’s nothing courageous about that…based on Bush’s popularity with the African-American community, all Kanye did was preach to the choir. I’m WAY more impressed with 50 Cent saying that Bush is a “gangsta” (he meant that in a good way).

Camilla Parker-Bowles: She screwed a prince for the past 30 years, much of that behind their respective spouses backs. 8 years after the princess shuffles off this mortal coil, Camilla gets her man.

By my count, there’s one fascinating person, two people who pulled off impressive feats, four idiot entertainers, an adulterous dutchess, the mother of a dead teen-ager and a cute little girl (I just can’t bring myself to slam her. She’s just a kid).

Barbara Walters and ABC should have been held up to the most severe ridicule the world could muster because, with a straight face and in all seriousness, they’ve christened these people as the most fascinating. THERE ARE SIX BILLION PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD. Couldn’t you have put in a little effort to find someone even remotely more impressive??? Despite my deep dislike for the woman, Cindy Sheehan is infinitely more fascinating than at least 7 of these people. Where was she?

Ugh. The fact that I just said something even remotely positive about Cindy Sheehan is killing me. SCREW YOU, BARBARA.

Message to ABC…bring back my show or I shall taunt you again.


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