Monday, November 28, 2005

“Guess who’s back, back again, Daddy’s back, tell a friend…”

Much like virtually every holiday and vacation that I’ve taken since I met my lovely and talented wife, the past few days have been absolutely wonderful…and utterly exhausting. A quick recap:

Wednesday: House cleaning, errand running and meal preparation took up the entire day. The wife was primarily responsible for the house cleaning (with the exception of the kitchen) while the errands (propane tank fill, grocery store, liquor store) and cooking (pan of corn bread, sweet potato and pecan pie, injecting and rubbing 3 turkeys) was all me. Finally got finished with all of that in time to mop the floor 10 minutes before my outlaws showed up. Ate a fabulous pot roast and drank heavily before retiring for the evening.

Thursday: Up early to start frying turkeys (two for the church, one for us). Performed sous chef duties for the Mother-In-Law in between trips to the back yard to check turkeys. Ate dinner at 3:00. Napped, watched TV and ate turkey for the remainder of the day. Alcohol intake: lots.

Friday: Perhaps the most miserably cold round of golf I’ve ever played. Had to open the flask of bourbon by the 4th hole in order to stay warm. Note to self: Golf in the North Georgia Mountains in November is not the smartest idea. Lots of fun but painful when you struck the ball wrong. We quit keeping score on the back nine. Got home, napped and then went for Mexican food. Finished up the night with most of the in-laws, a nice toddy and “Reservoir Dogs”. Alcohol intake: probably the sum of Wednesday and Thursday but spread out over 13 hours or so.

Saturday: Lunch and shopping with the family. Alcohol intake: zero. Had to detox.

Sunday: In-laws left before the sun came up. For my crew, it was church followed by more shopping. Purchased a new computer to replace the 8 year-old Gateway. Now I’m exhausted AND broke but pretty excited. Gonna take a while to learn all the new bells and whistles. Alcohol intake: 1 Hatuey and 1 Bud Select. Mmmm…Hatuey.

Three more weeks until Christmas vacation. I may have recovered by then.

Lessons learned:

1. Golf on an overcast 35 degree morning is ridiculously cold;

2. I need to finish my basement;

3. It matters not the generation, married couples tend to fight just alike;

4. Four days with her grandparents is followed by 2-4 days of beatings for my daughter.


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