Friday, November 18, 2005

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"

Did you just call me a Jeff Gordon Fan? Oh no, you din't!!

Stories like this just make me happy. Call it schadenfreude, but to see this whiny biz-nitch be taken down a few pegs just brings a tear to my eye. Maybe we can count on the same type of thing from his whiny little brother, too.

Maybe this will have also taught old Kurt a lesson that many of us learned early on...don't pick a fight with a cop. There's no way it is going to end well for you. If he'd have just been a tad cooperative, he'd have walked away. You especially don't start a fight if you just kicked back a Crown and Water at dinner (of course, since we're talking about this pansy, it was probably more like a Malibu and Coke...with extra cherries.)

Instead, he's lost several hundred thousand dollars by not being able to compete in the last two races of the year (Jeremy Mayfield last seen bragging that he beat Kurt in the Chase), but he's lost what respect the sport had for him in the first place.

This article just struck me as funny. Pay close attention to the highlighted passages:

AP: NASCAR's Kurt Busch Regrets Actions
Motorsports WriterMIAMI

A repentant Kurt Busch said he regrets becoming "argumentative" with an officer during a traffic stop last week in Phoenix, but insists that alcohol played no part in his behavior.

"When I was asked by the officer if I had been drinking, I explained to them I had one drink during dinner, but I was certainly not intoxicated," Busch said in an exclusive telephone interview with The Associated Press from his Charlotte, N.C., office Thursday night.

The reigning NASCAR Nextel Cup champion was pulled over for driving 60 mph in a 45 mph zone, swerving to avoid a car and running a stop sign last Friday night on his way back to Phoenix International Raceway. He said he was returning from dinner with his fiancee.

The police report said the deputy smelled alcohol on Busch, and the driver became belligerent. "You're only doing this because you're a Jeff Gordon fan," Busch was quoted as saying to the officer in the police report, released earlier Thursday in Phoenix. He was eventually issued a misdemeanor citation for reckless driving.

"I admit I became a bit argumentative with the officer when he continuously insisted that I submit to a field sobriety test and a breath test, which I ultimately did," Busch said. "I later learned my (preliminary breathalyzer) test was .017. That's consistent with an individual my size having one drink. That's brought us to this point."

"I regret that my actions, including saying some disrespectful things to the officer, made the situation worse. I have apologized for this and I want to reiterate this apology to the officer and to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department."

The officer, responding to Busch's comment about Gordon, said did not follow NASCAR and is a fan of neither Gordon nor Busch. He eventually called a supervisor to the scene.

According to the police report, Busch called the deputies "a joke," crowded an officer and asked "Do you know who I am?" at various points while he was detained.

"I resent him making derogatory remarks about our sheriffs," said Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Even though an official alcohol breath machine had malfunctioned, Arpaio said there was no point to have Busch take that test because the preliminary results showed he wasn't intoxicated...

Say what you will about Maricopa County's finest but don't DARE call them Jeff Gordon fans. They'll snatch you bald-headed for that.

I'm not going to research this last point but, if memory serves, Sheriff Arpaio is the same sheriff whose recent exploits include housing his prisoners in tent cities rather than air conditioned jails and forcing them to wear pink underwear.

Gotta love the guy.


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