Thursday, July 19, 2007


- and I say unto thee...

Back in 2003, while my daughter was still in-utero, she first developed a taste for more aggressive tunes. We'd be driving down the street, throw in "This Is The New S#!t" by Marilyn Manson and watch as this little alien started bouncing around in her womb.

My son, who my wife is currently gestating, has been a little less interested in what's playing on the radio...until yesterday.

While driving home from dinner last night, I threw the iPod onto "Shuffle" when it FINALLY happened. Turns out my son is a Primus fan. When "Tommy the Cat" came on, he immediately started dancing around, playing air guitar on a 6 string bass.

That's my boy.

I've been looking for an excuse to buy a bass and teach myself to play. Think I've found the excuse I was looking for. If I pick one up and just can't get into it, I can hand it down to the kid in a few years.

The wife wants him to play sports, but Daddy will be encouraging the next Les Claypool/Geddy Lee/John Myung/Flea.

A little "Tommy The Cat" for your edification...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My Dear (Albeit, Neglected) Smedley:

It’s been such a long time…

As mentioned around a year ago, this little corner of the web was intended to both be a soapbox for my political and other rants and a journal of what’s happening in my life. My original plan was to update this at least once a month. As evidenced by the fact that my last post was nine months ago to the day, it’s evident that my little plan didn’t work.

There is no rule, however, which would prohibit me from rectifying this situation by going back and posting a little something for each month that I missed. Because I’m sitting on a conference call (where some of my best work is done), I am unable to go into hypnotic regression but will do my absolute best to remember something for each past due month.

Here it goes:

November 2006: While sitting in a hotel room at the Emory Hotel and Conference Center, I become chagrinned by find that Democrats have officially taken control of both houses of Congress. My interest in politics officially goes into hibernation mode (as of July 2007, has yet to return). Thanksgiving once again takes place at my house with my wife’s parents as sole attendees. As is typical, a great time is had by all…until I develop a triple ear infection. First Dr’s visit in 14 years.

December 2006: Typical December. First 3 weeks or so are exceptionally busy at home and final weeks are exceptionally busy in Texas. The family makes out like bandits at Christmas. Discovered that TiVo is the greatest invention ever made. New Years spent with the whole family at my uncle’s place in Brenham. Wife and I, after FINALLY reaching an agreement that one kid is probably enough, make another one.

January 2007: After much research, I have determined that absolutely nothing noteworthy happened in my life (outside finding out about the aforementioned pregnancy) in the month of January 2007.

February 2007: Wife and kid(s) spend a week in Texas without me, thereby giving me a week of bachelorhood. Bought a new pair of running shoes, 3 new pairs of pants and 4 shirts. Anna Nicole Smith dies. This, in and of itself, means nothing to me. Unfortunately, however, constant news coverage of the death and subsequent events results in my 3 year old daughter becoming all-too-familiar with this soap opera. After being approached by my beautiful little girl and told how sad it was that “Dannielynn’s mommy died”, the wife and I issued a fatwa against trash television. TiVo and DVD player utilization increases ten-fold.

March 2007: Spend three days in Miami and win every go-kart race in which I was entered at my business unit’s quarterly meeting. Weep over becoming a Financial Analyst instead of a race car driver.

April 2007: Achieve 35 years of age. Am reminded by a friend that I am officially closer to 50 than to 20. Get tired of being a fat-ass and start new diet/workout regimen which entails getting up at 4:30 am to exercise 4 days a week and cut down on carbohydrates. By reference, beer consumption drastically reduced. Anheuser-Busch stock plummets.

May 2007: Advised that the hormonal imbalance in my house over the past 3 years will be remedied by the birth of a son in September. Give in to wife’s wishes to give my son a name which is the same as my childhood best friend. Because son of childhood best friend has the same name as me, come to terms with all of the “Brokeback” cracks I will hear in the future.

June 2007: Celebrate 6th wedding anniversary by taking the wife to Texas and leaving her there. Spend 18 days as a bachelor, come to appreciate married life. Run/Walk 40+ miles a week. Become shocked at the fact that my knees give out before my smoked-out lungs. In lieu of gym membership, buy cheap barbells. Start getting buff.

July 2007: Spend a week in a very soggy Dallas, constant rain results in no golf. Spend a weekend in South Georgia with aforementioned childhood best friend. Consume 30 Bud Selects and never catch a buzz. Begin to wonder if there's any point in drinking beer. Quit worrying about it and pop open another.

This brings us to today.

Conference call is over and there’s work to be done. More later.