Thursday, July 19, 2007


- and I say unto thee...

Back in 2003, while my daughter was still in-utero, she first developed a taste for more aggressive tunes. We'd be driving down the street, throw in "This Is The New S#!t" by Marilyn Manson and watch as this little alien started bouncing around in her womb.

My son, who my wife is currently gestating, has been a little less interested in what's playing on the radio...until yesterday.

While driving home from dinner last night, I threw the iPod onto "Shuffle" when it FINALLY happened. Turns out my son is a Primus fan. When "Tommy the Cat" came on, he immediately started dancing around, playing air guitar on a 6 string bass.

That's my boy.

I've been looking for an excuse to buy a bass and teach myself to play. Think I've found the excuse I was looking for. If I pick one up and just can't get into it, I can hand it down to the kid in a few years.

The wife wants him to play sports, but Daddy will be encouraging the next Les Claypool/Geddy Lee/John Myung/Flea.

A little "Tommy The Cat" for your edification...


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