Tuesday, December 06, 2005

"It's over, John. It's over."

So, our old boy John Kerry was on Face the Nation over the weekend.

One of his quotes has been making the rounds. In the process of explaining why Joe Lieberman would not make a good Secretary of Defense (which I agree with him on whole-heartedly), he goes off on this little tangent:

JOHN KERRY: ... I think what we need to do is recognize what we all agree on, which is, you've got to begin to set benchmarks for accomplishment; you've got to begin to transfer authority to the Iraqis, and there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, uh-uh-uh, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the -- of -- of -- of -- historical customs, religious customs, whether you like it or not. Iraqis should be doing that. And after all of these two and a half years, with all of the talk of 210,000 people trained, there just is no excuse for not transferring more of that authority.

Let’s break this down:

“I think what we need to do is recognize what we all agree on, which is, you've got to begin to set benchmarks for accomplishment;…”

Bullshit. To set a benchmark for a war and for the birth of a new democracy would be intellectually dishonest. There is no way of knowing what can happen which would have a negative impact on said “drop-dead” date and anyone who would give his word on such knows that. The job is far from done, there’s no true end in sight. If it works out like Japan and Germany, we’ll have bases in Iraq for the next 60+ years. Quit asking for troop withdrawal. Unfortunately, it isn't happening.

“…you've got to begin to transfer authority to the Iraqis”

I've got no quarrel with this...

“…and there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, uh-uh-uh, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the -- of -- of -- of -- historical customs, religious customs,”

Good job, John. You’ve just stated, in no uncertain terms, that our troops are terrorists. It’s 1971 all over again, isn’t it, buddy. US soldiers are terrorists and George Bush is Ghengis Khan.

How does Kerry respond to this? With personal attacks:

Statement by Kerry spokesman David Wade: 'Ken Mehlman’s filthy and shameful lie about a decorated combat veteran is disgraceful. Political hack Ken Mehlman and draft dodging, donut eating Rush Limbaugh have something in common. Neither of them know anything about how to make American troops safe. John Kerry will continue to speak out about how to succeed in Iraq and protect brave American troops'...

I’m assuming that Mr. Wade refers to Ken Mehlman only as the Republican puppet master as I’m unable to find any direct quote from him. Let’s break this one down though, shall we?

“'Ken Mehlman’s filthy and shameful lie about a decorated combat veteran is disgraceful.”

John Kerry served in Vietnam…this is undisputed. He even saw a limited amount of combat. As far as his decorations go, they remain to be, at best, questionable. He can not positively dispute the assertion that his Purple Heart was given as the result of a self-inflicted gunshot wound without releasing his military records. Despite the fact that he promised to release his complete military file 11 months ago, he has yet to do so. Given the choice between vindicating himself or remaining silent, he’s chosen to remain silent. HE LOST A PRESIDENCY OVER THIS, yet he does nothing to prove that he was the victim of a horrible lie.

“Political hack Ken Mehlman …”

A hack who has successfully managed a successful campaign for a US president (and thereby spanked your ass) and is currently the chair of the RNC. Besides being a spokesperson for a failed presidential candidate, what have you done, David?

“…and draft dodging, donut eating Rush Limbaugh …”

Personal attacks. So Democratic of you, Dave.

“…have something in common: Neither of them know anything about how to make American troops safe. “

So, I guess your boy Kerry is in good company.

“John Kerry will continue to speak out about how to succeed in Iraq…”

The only thing John Kerry can speak out about with any authority is how to leech off a dead millionaire’s widow.

…”and protect brave American troops...”

…who follow the US Military’s fine tradition of terrorizing the civilian children of the country they are there to protect…

I’ve made it no secret that I fell out of love with GWB some time back. Every time John Kerry opens his mouth, however, I thank God that Dubya is our president and Kerry isn’t.


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