Thursday, August 31, 2006

Big Bad Dad before he was a Big Bad Dad

Once again, the normal burdens of everyday life for Big Bad Dad have resulted in some neglect of this little corner of the web. Fortunately, as the readership for this blog can be counted on two hands (and, perhaps, less), I’m not disappointing too many with infrequent updates.

Frankly, I really don’t have the time for this post, but, to be honest, I need a few minutes away from work.

One fairly recent development has been my entrance into the world of youth leadership at church. One of my plans for this group is to put together a website, including message board, as an additional forum for our young’uns. Until such time as I get that set up, I’ve been advised that many of our youth have myspace accounts and, in fact set up their own little message board (more on this later). Based on this, I’ve also become a “myspacer”.

Last weekend, after I set up the account and got my page looking pretty good, I discovered that you can track down old classmates who have entered their school info onto their accounts. I did an alumni search for my class, and those classes +/- 3 years from my graduation year and found over 100 of my old classmates. By lurking around the whole group, as well as many individual sites, I made the following observations:

1. Despite the fact that I graduated from a medium/smallish high school (360 people in my graduating class) there are an AWFUL lot of people I never knew;

2. Of those I DID know, I have little to no recollection of them; and,

3. The past 16 to 18 years have not been kind to an awful lot of folks.

Now, understand, I have no (real) delusions about whether or not the aging process has affected yours truly…it most certainly has. I’m 20-25 lbs overweight (and 30+ lbs heavier than I was when I left my alma mater) and find, when looking in the mirror that my skin is not as taut as it once was. It seems I find a new gray hair almost daily and my Lovely and Talented Wife rarely misses an opportunity to point out that there are hairs growing in places they shouldn’t be. But DAMN, some of these people look middle-aged.

Enough about the evil vanity, though. The point of this post was not to dwell on the fact that some people drew the short straw on aging.


Because I had little-to-no recollection of many of my classmates, I broke out the old senior year yearbook (the only one I have left thanks to Hurricane Andrew) and tried to refamiliarize myself with people with whom I’d shared the most formative 4 years of my life. Naturally, looking at the pictures progressed to reading the pages and pages of inscriptions left by those I was close to 16+ years ago.

Almost all of the inscriptions touched on common themes:

“Thank you for being so funny. (Insert Class Name Here) would’ve been SO BORING if you weren’t in it with me!”

I wasn’t so much a class clown, but I WAS terribly bored in most of my academic classes and never missed an opportunity to bring some levity into the situation by ridiculing the teacher or starting pointless debates during lectures, etc. Oddly enough, little has changed over the past 16 years…I still do the same thing when I’m stuck in a business meeting I didn’t want to attend. My co-workers and bosses visibly cringe when I start off a sentence with “Now, I’m just playing devil’s advocate here…”

“You are such an AMAZING singer. Don’t forget us little people when you get rich and famous, OK?”

“Amazing” would be a stretch. “Above average” is, perhaps, the more appropriate adjective. What I lacked in talent, I made up for in confidence, so, to some, I came off as amazing. Poor, silly people.

Of course, I became neither rich nor famous and singing had nothing to do with any successes I’ve had in life. I did, however, still manage to forget some of those little people.

“Thank you for being such a great friend, someone to confide in and a shoulder to cry on.”

This came from a large number of girls, most of whom had dated my best friend. He never treated girls badly, mind you, he just let them know their place in his life. During a conversation with one of his then-girlfriends, she said “Sometimes I don’t know what’s more important to you; me or your truck.”.

Needless to say, she became extremely angry when he answered her honestly and, by virtue of my status as “best friend”, I got the tear-filled phone call.

BUT, this was not limited to those poor souls who had been jilted by Mr. Insensitive. Several of these comments came from girls that I really wanted to hook up with but, because I was such a sweetie, I was never able to close the deal. I personified the “You’re-such-a-great-friend-almost-like-a-brother” guy. If my high school career was a John Hughes movie, I was Duckie.

“You’re going to make some woman very happy!”

They were right, I think. My wife doesn’t come home turning cartwheels every night, but I think she’s pretty happy. However, as the result of the "Duckie Syndrome" referenced above, I changed my M.O. after high school and managed to make a bunch of them damned UNhappy. This is why, as the father of a little girl, I worry about my karma.

“I’ll never forget the party at (insert name here)’s house.”

This theme served as a reminder to me that my affinity for fizzy libations and brown or gold liquors developed at a very early age.

Part of the reason that they will never forget the party is because, in some cases, I never remembered it. From what I hear, I always had a lot of fun but was often dependent on others to fill in the gaps for me. In some cases, I’d preferred if they’d just let me remain ignorant of my exploits.

Hey, I grew up in Miami in the 80s. Boozing was the least of the trouble we could’ve gotten into back then.


I came across a few very heart-felt, sweet and LONG inscriptions written by people who described me as one of the greatest people the’ve ever met. After reading those, I had a warm little feeling inside. Them I flipped back in the yearbook to look up who it was that held me in such high regard because their faces were just not springing to mind. One of them is an absolute mystery.


A few interesting blurbs from some folks I DO remember (and I paraphrase):

“The first time I met you in Chorus I was like, “Oh My GOD, I want to be like him!”…thanks for being such an inspiration”

- A gay guy who I actually became good friends with but haven’t spoken to in 15 years.

This guy is one that I’d actually like to catch up with. He was always a very sweet, very genuine guy and his sexuality never bothered me. Hell, I actually shared a bed with him on a couple out-of-town field trips and never worried about it. Outside a little spooning, nothing ever happened.

“You and I have a very special relationship that can never be broken. If we haven’t talked for a while, we can pick up the phone and it’ll be like no time ever went by!”

- A VERY close friend of mine who I haven’t spoken to in 7 or 8 years.

I miss this girl a great deal and feel really bad about the fact that we lost touch. If there’s anyone with whom I could just pick up where we left off, it would be her. I’ve tried tracking her down a few times over the past few years but have had no luck. One disadvantage in trying to track down a girl from high school: if you don’t know her married name, you’re screwed.

“…you have been a like a part of our family over the years…”

- The younger brother of a guy I was tight with. Walked big brother through some pretty rough personal issues. Haven’t talked to him in 12 years.


Also came across the standard pledge of eternal friendship from two different people who never responded to me when I had managed to track them down, thereby proving that “eternity” is really a relative term.

That last sentence came off a little bitter and I truly don’t intend it that way. I don’t fault them at all. Had they actually responded, I probably would’ve smiled at the response, told them I’m glad they’re doing well and not bothered corresponding with them again for another several years…if ever.

Of the many friends I had in high school, I am currently in close contact with 3, direct but infrequent contact with 3 and am up to speed on the lives of about a dozen more by proxy. The likelihood of me rekindling any more relationships beyond those is extremely slim and the likelihood of me attending my next high school reunion is only slightly better.

I had a great high school experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything and I value the memories and my friends of that time but I’d be curious as to how I would be perceived today.

I AM still pretty funny and haven’t lost my affinity for distilled/brewed beverages, but beyond that, I’m not sure I would be seen the same way.

The guy who marched to his own drummer in high school is now a slave to Corporate America. The social butterfly has given way to a guy who doesn’t really want to leave his house unless he has to. The singer who thought nothing of singing before an audience of hundreds rarely sings outside the confines of his house or car…and when he DOES, he gets critiqued by a 3 year old. As far as the "sweet guy" who was "a shoulder to cry on", let's be honest. There used to exist an ulterior motive which shuffled off when I met my wife. I'm not nearly as sweet as I used to be...much to my wife's chagrin.

In short, I grew up.

When I started this, I said I had a point and, indeed, I do. It’s just not going to be wrapped up with a pretty little bow just yet. Unfortunately, this case of verbal diarrhea has taken entirely too long and I have to get back to work. We’ll just call this the first in a series.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What Pulp Fiction Character Are You?

You are the king of smooth -- enough said.

Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Be Careful What You Wish For...

Being the political junkie, I stayed up last night to watch for the election results from yesterday’s primary. While neither of the results have any direct impact on me, my interest level remained high. Let’s get the exceptionally good one out of the way:

Cynthia McKinney got SPANKED last night and is now being returned to life as a private citizen. Although I think she should be returned to life in a mental ward, I’ll take what I can get. And while I have no delusions that this is permanent (the woman has the persistency of mold), it’s nice to know that my neighbors to the east woke up and realized what an ass she truly is. Sure, she’ll be back, but I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.

I also paid extremely close attention to the Lieberman race in Connecticut. Again, this has no direct impact on me whatsoever, but I was really hoping to see the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the idiot moonbats on Daily Kos, Democratic Underground and Huffington Post. Regrettably, their opponent eked out a 52%-48% victory and I was denied the meltdown I’d hoped for…

…at least, for the moment.

Full disclosure: I don’t particularly care for Joe Lieberman anymore than I did when I voted against him and Al “Chicken Little” Gore 6 years ago. He’s too far left-of-center on certain issues and will say anything he has to…even if it’s in complete opposition to what he said yesterday…in order to get elected. I actually believe that he’s more centrist than he lets on, but he can always be counted on to betray his own values if that’s what the Angry Left wants. Unfortunately, he was a little too late to the dance this time.

It was fascinating watching the group of people who heaped love and adoration on ‘ole Joe go rabid at the mere mention of his name less than 6 years later. It was fascinating to watch the same people who condemn Mel Gibson as an anti-Semite hurl anti-Semitic insults at an elder statesman from their party. It was fascinating to watch a group of “racially enlightened” lefties Photoshop pictures of Lieberman in blackface as a “Stepin Fetchit” type of character. And those who are so sensitive to the plight of the poor gay man were the first ones to liken the sins of Mr. Lieberman to a “Brokeback” moment between Joe and W.

His unpardonable sin? A common sense approach to Iraq:

“It is time for Democrats who distrust President Bush to acknowledge that he will be Commander-in-Chief for three more critical years, and that in matters of war we undermine Presidential credibility at our nation’s peril. It is time for Republicans in the White House and Congress who distrust Democrats to acknowledge that greater Democratic involvement and support in the war in Iraq is critical to rebuilding the support of the American people that is essential to our success in that war. It is time for Americans and we their leaders to start working together again on the war on terrorism. To encourage that new American partnership, I propose that the President and the leadership of Congress establish a bipartisan Victory in Iraq Working Group, composed of members of both parties in Congress and high ranking national security officials of the Bush Administration."

On this issue, Joe did not tow the Democratic line of “retreat and surrender” and he has been castigated as Satan incarnate ever since. Of course, this is not at all surprising considering many on the right, myself included, applauded him for his effort to bring a little common sense to the table.

Joe may have been trying to reach across the aisle, but in a party where reaching across the aisle is likened to fellating the Commander-In-Chief, such silly talk just wouldn’t do. Enter the “Netroots”

As one who gives credit where credit is due, I give props to the rabid Angry Left. After years of trying, they’ve managed to mobilize and organize and have effectively showed the Democratic party that they MUST move to the fringe left in order to get their vote. Wishy-washy centrists do not have a chance. To this, I say “Congratulations! May you get what you wish for!”

And I mean that in all sincerity because if they get what they wish for, there will never be another Demoratic majority in Congress and Presidential elections will again become Republican landslides of Reaganesque proportions rather than neck-in-neck races.

With their proclamations of victory, it appears that the moonbats believe, “As goes Connecticut, so goes the US”. Michael Moore’s little screed pretty much encapsulates the mindset :


Let the resounding defeat of Senator Joe Lieberman send a cold shiver down the spine of every Democrat who supported the invasion of Iraq and who continues to support, in any way, this senseless, immoral, unwinnable war. Make no mistake about it: We, the majority of Americans, want this war ended -- and we will actively work to defeat each and every one of you who does not support an immediate end to this war.

Nearly every Democrat set to run for president in 2008 is responsible for this war. They voted for it or they supported it. That single, stupid decision has cost us 2,592 American lives and tens of thousands of Iraqi lives. Lieberman and Company made a colossal mistake -- and we are going to make sure they pay for that mistake. Payback time started last night.

I realize that there are those like Kerry and Edwards who have now changed their position and are strongly anti-war. Perhaps that switch will be enough for some to support them. For others, like me -- while I'm glad they've seen the light -- their massive error in judgment is, sadly, proof that they are not fit for the job. They sided with Bush, and for that, they may never enter the promised land.

To Hillary, our first best hope for a woman to become president, I cannot for the life of me figure out why you continue to support Bush and his war. I'm sure someone has advised you that a woman can't be elected unless she proves she can kick ass just as crazy as any man. I'm here to tell you that you will never make it through the Democratic primaries unless you start now by strongly opposing the war. It is your only hope. You and Joe have been Bush's biggest Democratic supporters of the war. Last night's voter revolt took place just a few miles from your home in Chappaqua. Did you hear the noise? Can you read the writing on the wall?

To every Democratic Senator and Congressman who continues to back Bush's War, allow me to inform you that your days in elective office are now numbered. Myself and tens of millions of citizens are going to work hard to actively remove you from any position of power.

If you don't believe us, give Joe a call.

Michael Moore

As goes Connecticut, so goes America? Uh, not so much. Allow me to stomp on this little bubble right now:

Connecticut is one of the 10 most liberal states in the US, meaning that 40 other states are, to varying degrees, more conservative Despite all the castigation, mudslinging, mobilization, etc, the more liberal candidate managed to beat the incumbant by less than 4 points in a very liberal state. Now, I’m not going to say that Lamont doesn’t necessarily have a mandate. He was an underdog and he beat an incumbent. That certainly means something.

Whatever it means, it’s not necessarily reflective of four-fifths of the rest of the country. Keep in mind, my state had one of the three most liberal, anti-war, Bush-hating representatives in the House and her ass just got thrown out last night in favor of a guy whose position on the Iraq war is almost identical to Lieberman’s. If I were a Blue State Democrat, I’d probably make a mad dash to the Left. If I were a Democrat in a red state who’s running against a Republican, I’d forget about running on an anti-war platform. It probably won’t work.

Let’s say, however, that I’m wrong and the liberals are right: this is proof positive that the Democratic party is going to lurch to the left and that centrist candidates will never make it past the primaries.

Fine. So be it. But allow me to stomp on yet another piece of liberal conventional wisdom:

Mainstream America does not lean as far to the left as Pelosi, Reid and Dean think.

I’m willing to bet that your average, politically-ambivalent American, given the choice between a rabid lefty Democrat and a moderate/right Republican will pull the GOP lever every time.. In addition, the 2008 Democrats have a handicap they DIDN’T have to deal with in 2004: they lose the “Anybody But Bush” sentiment that allowed a very liberal John Kerry to come within a couple million votes of the Presidency. Hatred for W. caused an awful lot of people to hold their nose and vote for Kerry. Hell, I’m almost willing to bet that one of my readers was one of them. Confirm, please, Mr. G?

Earlier, I said that my wish to see a huge hippie meltdown was denied me…for the moment. This leads me to my next theory:

Lieberman lost the primary but will retain his seat as an independent (thereby meaning a lost Democratic seat).

Based on the numbers, it looks like he lost the left wing of the Democratic party but fared pretty strongly amongst the center and right-leaning. Granted, many who voted for Lieberman will switch to Lamont in the general election for the sake of party loyalty, but he’ll retain the people who voted for him and not for his party. I also believe that there will be a lot of crossover from the Nutmeg State Republicans. I’m sure that the Republicans would actually like to throw their support behind someone who has a chance of winning.

Wishful thinking on my part? Perhaps. Within the realm of possibility? Yes. Is the Angry Left actually concerned? Well…they’re scared shitless.

From Kos:

“Here's what we all need to do the next few days:

1 Push Harry Reid to strip Lieberman of all committee assignments.

2. Let people know what a sore loser Lieberman is.

3. Get all Democrats -- including Bill Clinton -- to publicly back Ned Lamont.

4. Get the Democratic interest groups who backed Lieberman to switch allegiances in the general.

The DSCC and the DCCC will have to deal with the fact that this race will continue to suck oxygen from great pickup opportunities. And I won't apologize for that, because as a proud Democrat, I will help in whatever way I can the Democratic nominee from the Great State of Connecticut.

The Republicans rejoiced at Lieberman's decision to stay in. They couldn't be happier. And let's not talk about the lobbyists! They're besides themselves!

Joe Lieberman is not an independent Democrat. He needs to be stripped of his committee assignments and have those handed to real Democrats. And then we need to buckle down and finish the job we started. “

We’ll, of course, revisit this in about 3 months.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

KT's Newest Adventure: First Fish

Look at the size of that monster!!