Thursday, May 18, 2006

Dear Smedley

-Another "Dear Diary" offering...

I just realized that I’ve not posted anything substantive in this here journal since March. I realized this shameful situation yesterday when I went back to reference one of my older posts regarding the RIAA (those jerk-offs).

I say shameful, of course, because I read some of my other posts and had forgotten how witty and insightful I can be. To deny that to my captive audience of, like, 5 whole people (most of whom never comment), is a sin.

Witty, insightful….and obnoxiously arrogant. That’s me.

So, what’s been going on in the life of Big Bad Dad lately?

I continue to count myself blessed (most of the time) with the most wonderful wife and daughter imaginable. No new additions at this point, but we’re well within the final countdown to baby-making time. I’m most certainly excited about this prospect, but have problems imagining what it’s going to be like with another.

All along, since the wife and I decided to tie the knot, we agreed that we wanted two kids and would be OK IF, for some odd reason, we had three. Of course, now that I have one, who is approaching three years old, I’ve actually asked myself the question, “Do we REALLY need another one?”

Need? No. Want? Yup. Can afford? Sure. We’ll be poor but happy. (see previous posts in which I came to the conclusion that the cost of two children per month was in the same ball park as the monthly payment on a Mercedes-Benz 500SL).

The job continues to be just that…a job. I’m glad to have one, mind you,, but hate getting up every morning to come to it. If I could figure out how to retire by the time I’m 35, I would, but I don’t see it happening.

The past few months have seen a few pretty cool acquisitions by ole Dad.

1. A .38 Smith and Wesson revolver. Excellent condition and extremely accurate (depending on who is doing the aiming, of course). My plan is to take the wife to the range and get her excited about shooting, both because it would be a fun husband-wife thing to do AND because if she gets excited, I can talk her into letting me get the Sig 9 I would love to have.

2. A new charcoal grill with an offset smoke box. Total cooking area of 738 sq. inches. I could smoke half a pig in it (albeit a SMALL half a pig). So far, it’s performed very well with salmon, chicken and a pork shoulder. Mmmm…pork.

3. Worked out a deal with an uncle to purchase 90 records, in excellent condition. I now have much of the Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Van Halen and ZZ Top collections on vinyl, as well as quite a few which are virtually impossible to find (e.g., Art Of Noise). He still has quite a few that I want (Beatles, Cheech and Chong, AC/DC, etc), and I’ll likely open up some negotiations on those pretty soon. Now I just need a turntable.

I’m actually really stoked about the records as this was a part of my childhood. As a kid, my parents would ship us kids off to spend the summers with my grandparents and my uncle and I would spend HOURS a day hanging out in his room and listening to those same albums which now reside in my office at the house. If it was nighttime, we’d turn on the strobe light and jam.

(In writing that, I just came to a realization. Not only did my uncle influence my musical tastes, but I’m willing to bet that the strobe light had some effect on my neurotransmitters at an early stage of my mental development, thus contributing to my affinity for brown liquors.

Well, at least I know who to blame if I ever become an alcoholic. Thanks, Jim!)

There’s other stuff to report, which I will likely take up in later posts.

In the meantime, meetings are over and back to work I go.

Big Bad Dad….OUT!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Like Father, Like Son